
Twin Peaks-sångerskan död – hyllas av David Lynch

Filmskaparen David Lynch hyllar sångerskan Julee Cruise efter att hon dött, 65 år gammal. Cruise blev bland annat känd för att ha framfört ledmotivet till Lynchs kultförklarade tv-serie Twin Peaks.

I en video som Lynch lagt upp på Youtube säger regissören att beskedet om sångerskans död är sorgligt.

– Det här är ett bra tillfälle att uppskatta all bra musik som hon gjorde och minnas henne som en stor musiker, sångerska och människa.

Twin Peaks
Wikipedia (en)
Twin Peaks is an American mystery serial drama television series created by Mark Frost and David Lynch. It premiered on ABC on April 8, 1990, and originally ran for two seasons until its cancellation in 1991. In the years following its release, the show gained a devoted cult following and has been referenced in a wide variety of media. Twin Peaks is often listed among the greatest television series of all time, and has received universal acclaim from critics and audiences. It is considered a landmark turning point in television drama.The series follows an investigation, headed by FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan) and local Sheriff Harry S. Truman (Michael Ontkean), into the murder of homecoming queen Laura Palmer (Sheryl Lee) in the fictional town of Twin Peaks, Washington. The show's narrative draws on elements of detective fiction, but its uncanny tone, supernatural elements, and campy, melodramatic portrayal of eccentric characters also draws from American soap opera and horror tropes. Like much of Lynch's work, it is distinguished by surrealism, offbeat humor, and distinctive cinematography. The score was composed by Angelo Badalamenti with Lynch.The original series was followed by a 1992 feature film, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me, which serves as a prequel and sequel to the series. The initial success of the series sparked a media franchise, leading to the release of several tie-in books, including The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer, inspired by an in-universe prop. Following a hiatus of over 25 years, the show returned in 2017 for a third season on Showtime. The season was directed by Lynch and written by Lynch and Frost, and starred MacLachlan alongside other original and new cast members.

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