Ubåtspakt tar form – ska utmana Kina i Stilla havet
USA säljer fem atomdrivna ubåtar till Australien. Det meddelade ledarna för USA, Australien och Storbritannien när detaljerna i ubåtspakten Aukus presenterades. Försvarsavtalet innebär att Australien gör stora investeringar på sitt försvar de kommande 30 åren, en summa som motsvarar 2 000 miljarder kronor.
Ubåtarna ska byggas med brittisk design och mycket hemlig amerikansk teknik. Det outtalade men allmänt kända syftet med avtalet är att motverka Kinas expansion i Stilla havsområdet.
– Det här är det viktigaste multilaterala försvarsavtalet som slutits på flera generationer, sa den brittiske premiärministern Rishi Sunak.
Wikipedia (en)
AUKUS (, AW-kəs), also styled as Aukus, is a trilateral security pact among Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, announced on 15 September 2021 for the Indo-Pacific region. Under the pact, the US and the UK will assist Australia in acquiring nuclear-powered submarines.The pact also includes cooperation on advanced cyber, artificial intelligence and autonomy, quantum technologies, undersea capabilities, hypersonic and counter-hypersonic, electronic warfare, innovation and information sharing. The pact will focus on military capability, separating it from the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing alliance that also includes New Zealand and Canada.The International Centre for Defence and Security called the pact "a powerful statement about the priority of the Indo-Pacific" and as a statement "that the larger institutional groupings aren’t acting with the common purpose and speed that the current strategic and technological environment demands".The US Ambassador to Australia Caroline Kennedy called the pact a "greater and deeper partnership" between the countries and said that it would provide a "lot of deterrence" in the Indo-Pacific. The government of the People's Republic of China (PRC) was vocal in its contempt of the pact, accusing the three western powers of having a "cold-war mentality", as the pact was widely seen as being, at least in part, a response to China's status as an increasingly assertive emerging superpower.The creation of the pact spelled the end of a French–Australian submarine deal. On 17 September 2021, France, which is an ally of the three countries, recalled its ambassadors from Australia and the US; French foreign minister Jean-Yves Le Drian called the pact a "stab in the back" following Australia's cancellation of the deal worth €56 billion (A$90 billion) without notice, ending efforts to develop a deeper strategic partnership between France and Australia.
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