Ultrakonservativ kandidat ställer upp i presidentvalet
Irans ultrakonservative rättslige chef Ebrahim Raisi kommer att kandidera till presidentposten i valet i juni, rapporterar flera internationella medier.
Raisi kom på andra plats efter Hassan Rouhani i presidentvalet 2017, då han fick 38 procent av rösterna.
I ett uttalande säger Raisi att han kandiderar på grund av den stora folkliga efterfrågan och att han ställer upp som en självständig kandidat ”för att åstadkomma en förändring i landets ledarskapet”.
Även den tidigare talmannen för parlamentet, Ali Larijani, har meddelat att han ställer upp i valet. Larijani har lett Irans förhandlingar om ett kärnavtal med väst och har varit en viktig allierad till Rouhani i presidentens försök att bryta Irans isolering från omvärlden.
Ebrahim Raisi
Wikipedia (en)
Sayyid Ebrahim Raisol-Sadati (Persian: سید ابراهیم رئیسالساداتی; born 14 December 1960), commonly known as Ebrahim Raisi (Persian: ابراهیم رئیسی, pronunciation ), is an Iranian conservative and principlist politician, Muslim cleric and the current Chief Justice of Iran, having been appointed on 7 March 2019 by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. He has served in several positions in Iran's judicial system, such as Attorney General (2014 to 2016), and Deputy Chief Justice (2004 to 2014). He was also Prosecutor and Deputy Prosecutor of Tehran in the 1980s and 1990s. He was Custodian and Chairman of Astan Quds Razavi, a bonyad, from 2016 until 2019. He is also a member of Assembly of Experts from South Khorasan Province, being elected for the first time in 2006 election. He is the son-in-law of Mashhad Friday prayer leader and Grand Imam of Imam Reza shrine, Ahmad Alamolhoda.
Raisi ran for president in 2017 as the candidate of the conservative Popular Front of Islamic Revolution Forces, losing to moderate incumbent President Hassan Rouhani, 57% to 38.3%.
Sometimes described as a "conservative hardliner", he is said to have proved his "revolutionary fervor" by helping lead the mass executions of Iranian political prisoners in 1988, and has been "frequently mentioned" as a successor to Ali Khamenei as Supreme Leader of Iran. Because of his stance, Raisi is subjected to sanctions by the European Union and the United States.
Ali Larijani
Wikipedia (en)
Ali Ardeshir Larijani (Persian: علی لاریجانی, Persian pronunciation: [æliː-e lɒːɾiːdʒɒːniː]; born 3 June 1957) is an Iranian conservative politician, philosopher and former military officer in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, who served as the Speaker of the Parliament of Iran from 2008 to 2020. Larijani was the Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council from 15 August 2005 to 20 October 2007, appointed to the position by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, replacing Hassan Rouhani. Acceptance of Larijani's resignation from the secretary position was announced on 20 October 2007 by Gholam-Hossein Elham, the Iranian government's spokesman, mentioning that his previous resignations were turned down by President Ahmadinejad.Larijani was one of the two representatives of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ali Khamenei to the council, the other being Hassan Rouhani. In his post as secretary, he effectively functioned as the top negotiator on issues of national security, including Iran's nuclear program.
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