Anthony Weiner. (Richard Drew / TT / NTB Scanpix)

Uppgift: Weiner erkänner sig skyldig i sexting-mål

Den före detta demokratiske kongressledamoten Anthony Weiner kommer erkänna sig skyldig till att ha skickat obscena meddelanden till en minderåring, rapporterar New York Times med hänvisning till källor.

Weiner fick avgå 2011 sedan han lagt upp lättklädda bilder av sig själv online och blev påkommen i en ny så kallad ”sexting”-skandal i september förra året. Under en FBI-utredning av Weiner uppdagades flera mejl till hans tidigare fru, Huma Abedin, som arbetade som rådgivare åt Hillary Clinton under valkampanjen vilket gjorde att FBI återupptog utredningen av hur Clinton hanterade sina mejl.

FBI har granskat anklagelser om att Weiner utbytt sexuellt explicita meddelanden med en 15-årig flicka i North Carolina förra året. Brottet som han nu erkänner sig skyldig till kan ge ett straff på upp till 10 år i fängelse och kan leda till att han hamnar i ett register över sexualbrottslingar, skriver New York Times.

Anthony Weiners sexting-skandaler
Wikipedia (en)
American politician Anthony Weiner, former member of the United States House of Representatives from New York City, has been involved in three sexual scandals related to sexting, or sending explicit sexual material by cell phone. The first, sometimes dubbed Weinergate, led to his resignation as a congressman in 2011. The second, during his attempt to return to politics as candidate for mayor of New York City, involved three women Weiner admitted having sexted after further explicit pictures were published in July 2013. The third, in 2015 but publicized in 2016, resulted in an announced intended separation between him and his wife, Huma Abedin. The first scandal began when Democratic U.S. Congressman Weiner used the social media website Twitter to send a link to a sexually suggestive picture of himself to a 21-year-old woman from Seattle, Washington. After several days of denying media reports that he had posted the image, he admitted to having sent a link to the photo, and other sexually explicit photos and messages to women both before and during his marriage. He denied ever having met, or having had a physical relationship with any of the women. On June 16, 2011, Weiner announced his intention to resign from Congress effective June 23. A second scandal began on July 23, 2013, after Weiner returned to politics in April 2013 by entering the New York City mayoral election, when more pictures and sexting by Weiner were released by the website The Dirty. They were allegedly sent under the alias Carlos Danger to a 22-year-old woman with whom Weiner had contact in late 2012, and as late as April 2013, more than a year after Weiner had left Congress. Weiner admitted sexting at least three women during this period, and although called on by The New York Times editorial board, among others, to leave the mayoral race, he remained in the race until the end, when he took fifth place in the Democratic primary, with 4.9% of the vote.
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