Uppgifter: Seehofer avgår som CSU-ledare i veckan
Tysklands inrikesminister Horst Seehofer har sagt till partikamraterna i CSU att han vill avgå som partiledare, rapporterar tyska medier.
CSU led ett svidande nederlag i delstatsvalet i Bayern och tappade majoriteten i delstatsparlamentet
Seehofer, som varit en hård kritiker till Angela Merkels invandringspolitik, väntas meddela sin avgång under veckan, skriver Deutsche Welle.
Wikipedia (en)
The Christian Social Union in Bavaria ( Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern , CSU) is a Christian-democratic and conservative political party in Germany. The CSU operates only in Bavaria while its larger counterpart, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), operates in the other fifteen states of Germany. It differs from the CDU by being somewhat more conservative in social matters. The CSU is considered an effective successor of the Weimar-era Catholic Bavarian People's Party (BVP).At the federal level, the CSU forms a common faction in the Bundestag with the CDU, which is frequently referred to as the Union Faction (die Unionsfraktion). The CSU has had 46 seats in the Bundestag since the 2017 federal election, making it the smallest of the seven parties represented. Until the 2013 federal election, the CDU/CSU formed federal government in coalition with the Free Democratic Party (FDP). The CSU is a member of the European People's Party (EPP) and the International Democrat Union. The CSU currently has three ministers in the cabinet of Germany of the federal government in Berlin, including party leader Horst Seehofer who is Federal Minister of the Interior while party member Markus Söder serves as Minister-President of Bavaria, a position that CSU representatives have held from 1946 to 1954 and again since 1957.
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