USA markerar – stoppar hjälppaket till Filippinerna
USA stoppar sändningarna av nödpaket till sin allierade Filippinerna på grund av ”stor oro” för de mänskliga rättigheterna i landet, skriver AFP.
Relationen med USA har varit ansträngd sedan Rodrigo Duterte valdes till Filippinernas president i somras. I Dutertes ”krig mot drogerna” har tusentals människor dödats av polisen vilket fått flera internationella hjälporganisationer att reagera.

Relationerna mellan USA och Filippinerna
Wikipedia (en)
Philippines – United States relations (Filipino: Ugnayang Pilipinas at Estados Unidos) are bilateral relations between the United States of America and its former colony, the Republic of the Philippines. This relation between the United States and the Philippines have historically been strong and have been described as a Special Relationship. Current president Rodrigo Duterte, however is supportive of a foreign policy that is less dependent on the United States favouring one that sees closer relations with China instead. The Philippines is one of the oldest Asian partners of the U.S. and a strategic major non-NATO ally. The United States has consistently been cited as one of the Filipinos' favorite nations in the world, with 90% of Filipinos viewing the U.S. and 91% viewing Americans favorably in 2002, 90% of Filipinos viewing U.S. influence positively in 2011, 85% of Filipinos viewing the U.S. and Americans favorably in 2013, and 92% of Filipinos viewing the U.S. favorably in 2015, and 89% having confidence in United States president, Barack Obama in 2014, making the Philippines the most pro-American country in the world. On October 20, 2016, the President of The Philippines announced a "separation" from the US both militarily and economically, favoring alliances with China and Russia.
This article discusses Philippine–American relations after Philippine independence from the United States in 1946, while the article History of the Philippines (1898–1946) describes the history of the Philippines during American colonial rule.
Duterte har erkänt mord
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