”USA:s mest hatade vd” åtalas för miljonbedrägeri
Den förre läkemedelsvd:n Martin Shkreli – som fått det osmickrande epitetet ”USA:s mest hatade vd” – ska under måndagen inställa sig i rätten i New York, rapporterar Reuters.
Shkreli åtalas misstänkt för bedrägeri. Åklagarna menar att han, under tiden han drev en hedgefond, ljög för investerare och stal miljontals dollar från sitt läkemedelsbolag Retrophin Inc för att betala tillbaka pengarna. Han nekar till alla anklagelser.
Martin Shkreli fick öknamnet ”världens värsta vd” sedan han som vd för läkemedelsbolaget Turing oannonserat höjde priset på ett hiv/aids-läkemedel med 5 000 procent.
Martin Shkreli
Wikipedia (en)
Martin Shkreli (, born March 17, 1983) is an American businessman and investor. He is the co-founder of the hedge fund MSMB Capital Management, co-founder and former chief executive officer (CEO) of the biotechnology firm Retrophin, and founder and former CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals.
In September 2015, Shkreli received widespread criticism when Turing obtained the manufacturing license for the antiparasitic drug Daraprim and raised its price by a factor of 56 (from US$13.5 to US$750 per pill), leading him to be referred to by media as "the most hated man in America" and "pharma bro".
In December 2015, Shkreli was arrested by the FBI after being indicted on federal charges of securities fraud. He is free on bail pending trial. He resigned as CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals and was replaced by the company's board chairman, Ron Tilles.
In January 2016, Fortune estimated the then 32-year-old Shkreli's net worth as at least US $45,000,000 but later updated its profile to reflect that "[S]ince this article was published the value of Shkreli's E*Trade account has dropped by more than $40 million". Shkreli leveraged a US $4,000,000 E-Trade account for his bail.
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