BODYCAM VIDEO: Arrest of Donald Trump assassination attempt suspect Ryan Routh in Florida

Misstänks för vapenbrott efter avstyrda attentatet – video visar gripandet

Ryan Wesley Routh, som misstänks ha planerat att döda Donald Trump på söndagskvällen, har delgivits misstanke för två fall av federala vapenbrott. Det rapporterar AP.

Han anklagas för att ha varit beväpnad trots tidigare domar och för att hans vapen inte hade något serienummer. Nyhetsbyrån skriver att fler åtalspunkter kan läggas till i takt med att utredningen växer.

I domstolen bar Wesley Routh mörka fängelsekläder, handfängsel och fotbojor, enligt CNN. När hans advokat gick igenom åtalspunkterna skrattade han.

– Jag har inga pengar, svarade han på frågan om han har råd med en egen advokat.

I ett tidigt skede uppgav myndigheterna att de hade hittat ett AK 47-liknande vapen med ett sikte. Domstolshandlingarna visar att det handlar om ett SKS-gevär.

Motivbilden är ännu inte klarlagd, 58-åringen har tidigare uttalat stöd för både demokrater och republikaner.

Wikipedia (en)
The SKS (Russian: Самозарядный карабин системы Симонова, romanized: Samozaryadny karabin sistemy Simonova, lit. 'self-loading carbine of the Simonov system') is a semi-automatic rifle designed by Soviet small arms designer Sergei Gavrilovich Simonov in 1945. The SKS was first produced in the Soviet Union but was later widely exported and manufactured by various nations. Its distinguishing characteristics include a permanently attached folding bayonet and a hinged, fixed magazine. As the SKS lacked select-fire capability and its magazine was limited to ten rounds, it was rendered obsolete in the Soviet Armed Forces by the introduction of the AK-47 in the 1950s. Nevertheless, SKS carbines continued to see service with the Soviet Border Troops and second-line and reserve army units for decades. The SKS was manufactured at Tula Arsenal from 1949 to 1958, and at the Izhevsk Arsenal from 1953 to 1954. Altogether, the Soviet Union produced 2.7 million SKS carbines. Throughout the Cold War, millions of additional SKS carbines and their derivatives were also manufactured under license in the People's Republic of China, as well as a number of countries allied with the Eastern Bloc. The SKS was exported in vast quantities and found favour with insurgent forces around the world as a light, handy weapon which was adequate for guerrilla warfare despite its conventional limitations. Beginning in 1988, millions have also been sold on the civilian market in North America, where they remain popular as hunting and sporting rifles.


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