Andrew Cuomo och domaren Holly Trexler. (AFP)

Utredningen mot Andrew Cuomo formellt nedlagd

En domare i Albany, New York har under fredagen avfärdat den enda brottmisstanken som delstatens förre guvernör Adrew Cuomo har ställts inför, rapporterar AP.

Domaren anser att bevisningen mot Cuomo inte räcker för en fällande dom. Beslutet var väntat då Albanys distriktsåklagare tidigare i veckan meddelade att deras bevisning inte kommer att räcka.

Flera kvinnor har anklagat Cuomo för sexuella trakasserier. Bara en av anklagelserna ledde till en brottsundersökning och det är det fallet som nu har avfärdats.

Andrew Cuomo
Wikipedia (en)
Andrew Mark Cuomo ( KWOH-moh; Italian: [ˈkwɔːmo]; born December 6, 1957) is an American lawyer and politician who served as the 56th governor of New York from 2011 to 2021. A member of the Democratic Party, he was elected to the same position that his father, Mario Cuomo, held for three terms (52nd governor). In 2021, Cuomo resigned from office amidst numerous allegations of sexual misconduct. From Utah governor Gary Herbert's retirement on January 4, 2021, until he resigned, he was the longest-tenured governor in the United States still in position. Born in Queens, New York City, Cuomo is a graduate of Fordham University and Albany Law School. He began his career working as the campaign manager for his father in the 1982 New York gubernatorial election. Later, Cuomo worked as an assistant district attorney in New York City, entered the private practice of law, founded a housing non-profit, and chaired the New York City Homeless Commission from 1990 to 1993. Cuomo served as assistant secretary of Housing and Urban Development from 1993 to 1997. From 1997 to 2001, he served in President Bill Clinton's Cabinet as the 11th United States secretary of housing and urban development. After failing to win the Democratic primary in the 2002 New York gubernatorial election, Cuomo was elected New York attorney general in 2006. Cuomo won the 2010 New York gubernatorial election to become governor of New York. He was re-elected in 2014 and 2018 after winning primaries against progressive challengers. During his governorship, Cuomo signed the Marriage Equality Act in 2011 to legalize same-sex marriage, the Compassionate Care Act in 2014 to legalize the medical use of cannabis, and the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act in 2021 to legalize the recreational use of cannabis. Cuomo's administration oversaw the construction of the Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge, the Second Avenue Subway, the Moynihan Train Hall, and a reconstruction of LaGuardia Airport. In response to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting and the 2012 Webster shooting, Cuomo signed the NY SAFE Act of 2013, the strictest gun control law in the United States. He also delivered Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act; a 2011 tax code that raised taxes for the wealthy and lowered taxes for the middle class; 12-week paid family leave; and a gradual increase of the state's minimum wage to $15 per hour. Cuomo received national attention for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in New York. Although he was initially lauded for his response efforts, he faces renewed criticism and federal investigation after it was discovered that his administration covered up information pertaining to COVID-19 deaths among nursing home residents.Beginning in late 2020, Cuomo faced allegations of sexual harassment. An investigation commissioned by New York attorney general Letitia James reported in August 2021 that Cuomo sexually harassed at least eleven women during his time in office, and Cuomo faces criminal investigations for these allegations. Following the release of the attorney general's report, President Joe Biden called for Cuomo's resignation. On August 10, 2021, Cuomo announced that he would step down in two weeks. On August 23, Cuomo officially resigned from office. On December 28, the Westchester County district attorney declined to issue criminal charges from the credible allegations, citing "statutory requirements" of New York's laws.
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