Andrew Tate. (Alexandru Dobre / AP)

Vändningen: Andrew Tate får inte lämna Rumänien

Influeraren Andrew Tate och hans bror Tristan får inte lämna Rumänien i väntan på rättegången om trafficking och våldtäkt. Det beslutade en appellationsdomstol i Bukarest på tisdagen enligt AFP.

Detta efter att åklagarna överklagat domstolsbeslutet från den 5 juli som gav bröderna rätt att resa inom EU.

Deras advokat uppger i ett pressutskick att bröderna Tate kommer att rätta sig efter beslutet.

– Gud har en plan för mig, och jag följer hans beslut, sa Andrew Tate till reportrar utanför domstolen.

Andrew Tate
Wikipedia (en)
Emory Andrew Tate III (born 1 December 1986) is an American-British social media personality, businessman, and former professional kickboxer. His controversial commentary has resulted in his expulsions from various social media platforms and concern that he promotes misogynist views to his audience. As a divisive influencer, Tate has amassed over 9 million followers on X; and was the third-most "googled" person in 2023, with most British adults aware of who he is. He has been dubbed the "king of toxic masculinity", as part of the manosphere; is associated with far-right activists and ideologies, and has previously self-described as a misogynist. As of July 2024, Tate is facing four legal cases – two criminal and two civil – in Romania and the United Kingdom. Tate first began to kickbox in 2005, winning several kickboxing titles in the late 2000s and early 2010s. In 2016, he appeared on the British reality series Big Brother, but was removed as he was the suspect in an open rape investigation in the United Kingdom. The investigation was later dropped, prior to again being suspected in 2024. After his kickboxing career, Tate and his brother, Tristan, began operating a webcam model business, followed by selling online courses. With his audience from his courses, he became prominent as an internet celebrity promoting a hyper-macho view of masculinity. Tate's courses include: Hustler's University, which gained 100,000 subscribers, later rebranded to The Real World; and the secretive War Room group, which has been accused by the BBC of coercing women into sex work, and teaching violence against women. In August 2023, it was estimated that Tate's online ventures generated US$5 million in revenue per month. In December 2022, Tate and his brother Tristan were arrested in Romania along with two women. All four were charged in June 2023 with rape, human trafficking, and forming an organised crime group to sexually exploit women. In July 2023, two of the accusers reportedly went into hiding after a campaign of online harassment, and the Tate brothers filed a defamation lawsuit claiming $5 million in damages against one of the accusers. In March 2024, British police obtained an arrest warrant for the Tate brothers as part of an investigation into rape and human trafficking, and in July 2024, began a civil case against the brothers and a third person for alleged tax evasion. Tate and his brother have denied all charges.

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