Träd i Brasilien. (Rodrigo Abd / TT NYHETSBYRÅN)

Var tredje trädart i världen hotas av utrotning

Minst 30 procent av världens nära 60 000 trädslag hotas av utrotning, enligt en ny studie av Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI). Och drygt 440 trädslag har mindre än 50 träd kvar i det vilda.

– Den här rapporten är en väckarklocka för alla runt om i världen att träden är i behov av hjälp, säger BGCI:s ordförande Paul Smith, enligt Reuters.

Den internationella studien har genomförts under en femårsperiod och resultatet pekar på att det är avverkning till förmån för jordbruk som är det överlägset största hotet mot trädens överlevnad, skriver The Guardian.

Flest hotade trädarter, 1 788 stycken, finns i Brasilien.

International Union for Conservation of Nature
Wikipedia (en)
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN; officially International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) is an international organization working in the field of nature conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. It is involved in data gathering and analysis, research, field projects, advocacy, and education. IUCN's mission is to "influence, encourage and assist societies throughout the world to conserve nature and to ensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable". Over the past decades, IUCN has widened its focus beyond conservation ecology and now incorporates issues related to sustainable development in its projects. IUCN does not itself aim to mobilize the public in support of nature conservation. It tries to influence the actions of governments, business and other stakeholders by providing information and advice, and through building partnerships. The organization is best known to the wider public for compiling and publishing the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, which assesses the conservation status of species worldwide.IUCN has a membership of over 1,400 governmental and non-governmental organizations. Some 16,000 scientists and experts participate in the work of IUCN commissions on a voluntary basis. It employs approximately 1,000 full-time staff in more than 50 countries. Its headquarters are in Gland, Switzerland.IUCN has observer and consultative status at the United Nations and plays a role in the implementation of several international conventions on nature conservation and biodiversity. It was involved in establishing the World Wide Fund for Nature and the World Conservation Monitoring Centre. In the past, IUCN has been criticized for placing the interests of nature over those of indigenous peoples. In recent years, its closer relations with the business sector have caused controversy.IUCN was established in 1948. It was initially called the International Union for the Protection of Nature and Natural Resources (1948–1956) and has also been known as the World Conservation Union (1990–2008).
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