Juan Guaidó. (Carlos Jasso / REUTERS)

Venezuelas interimsregering har blivit upplöst

Venezuelas nationalförsamling har röstat för att upplösa den övergångsregering som leds av oppositionsledaren Juan Guaidó, rapporterar AFP.

Guaidó utropade sig till president 2019 och åtnjöt under en tid stor popularitet både i hemlandet och utomlands – 50 länder erkände hans presidentskap, bland dem Sverige.

Efterhand har dock entusiasmen svalnat efter att han misslyckats med att avsätta den sittande vänsterpresidenten Nicolás Maduro.

Nationalförsamlingen, som kontrolleras av oppositionen, har till stor del blivit symbolisk efter att den ersatts av en ny, Madurolojal lagstiftande församling.

Presidentkrisen i Venezuela
Wikipedia (en)
The Venezuelan presidential crisis is an ongoing political crisis concerning the leadership and the legitimate president of Venezuela; the office of the president has been contested since 10 January 2019, with the nation and the world divided in support for Nicolás Maduro or Juan Guaidó. The process and results of the 20 May 2018 presidential election were widely disputed. The opposition-majority National Assembly declared Maduro a "usurper" of the presidency on the day of his second inauguration and disclosed a plan to set forth its president Guaidó as the succeeding acting president of the country under article 233 of the Venezuelan Constitution. A week later, the Supreme Tribunal of Justice declared that the presidency of the National Assembly was the "usurper" of authority and declared the body to be unconstitutional.Minutes after Maduro took the oath as president, the Organization of American States (OAS) approved a resolution in a special session of its Permanent Council declaring Maduro's presidency illegitimate and urging new elections. Special meetings of the OAS on 24 January and in the United Nations Security Council on 26 January were held but no consensus was reached. Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres called for dialogue. During the 49th General Assembly of the Organization of American States on 27 June, Guaidó's presidency was recognized by the organization. Guaidó and the National Assembly declared he was acting president and swore himself in on 23 January. Maduro's government has accused the United States of organizing a coup d'état to remove him and take control of the country's oil reserves. Guaidó rejects the characterization of his actions as a coup, saying that his movement is backed by peaceful volunteers.Guaidó was recognized as legitimate by about 60 countries; Maduro by about 20 countries. Internationally, support has followed geopolitical lines, with Russia, China, Cuba, Iran, Syria, and Turkey supporting Maduro, while the majority of Western and Latin American countries supported Guaidó as acting president. On 5 January 2020, the National Assembly Delegated Committee election resulted in claimed victories by both Guaidó and legislator Luis Parra as the president of National Assembly, starting another crisis in the legislative body, in addition to the presidential crisis.Support for Guaidó has declined since a failed military uprising attempt in April 2019. Following the failed uprising, representatives of Guaidó and Maduro began mediation, with the assistance of the Norwegian Centre for Conflict Resolution. After the second meeting in Norway, no deal was reached. On 9 July 2019 negotiations started again in Barbados with representatives from both sides. On 15 September, Guaidó announced that the opposition concluded the dialogue after the absence of the government in the negotiations for forty days as a protest against the recent sanctions by the United States. In late March 2020, the United States proposed a transitional government that would exclude both Maduro and Guaidó from the presidency. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that sanctions did not apply to humanitarian aid during the coronavirus pandemic health emergency and that the United States would lift all sanctions if Maduro agreed to organize elections that did not include himself in a period of six to twelve months. Guaidó accepted the proposal, while Venezuela's foreign minister, Jorge Arreaza, rejected it and declared that only parliamentary elections would take place that year.By January 2020, efforts led by Guaidó to create a transitional government have been unsuccessful and Maduro continues to control Venezuela's state institutions. As of 6 January 2021, the European Union stopped recognizing Guaidó as president but still does not recognize Maduro as the legitimate president, threatening with further sanctions.After the announcement of regional elections in 2021, Guaidó announced a "national salvation agreement" and proposed the negotiation with Maduro with a schedule for free and fair elections, with international support and observers, in exchange of lifting the international sanctions.

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