Utredare: Video pekar mot saudisk inblandning i 9/11
En nyligen offentliggjord video stödjer teorin att Saudiarabiens regering var delaktig i attackerna i USA den 11 september 2001. Det säger Richard Lambert, pensionerad FBI-agent som ledde den första 11 september-utredningen, till CBS News.
Videon spelades in i Washington DC av saudiern Omar al-Bayoumi sommaren 1999. Han filmar bland annat Washingtonmonumentet, pratar om säkerheten runt Kapitolium och nämner vid ett tillfälle ”en plan”.
al-Bayoumi har av FBI pekats ut som en tidigare medarbetare vid den saudiska underrättelsetjänsten. Han har också kopplingar till två av gärningsmännen.
Videon beslagtogs av brittisk polis under en husrannsakan i al-Bayoumis lägenhet i Birmingham, där han då gjorde sina doktorandstudier.
Omar al-Bayoumi
Wikipedia (en)
Omar al-Bayoumi (Arabic: عمر البيومي, romanized: ʿUmar al-Bayyūmī; born c. 1958) is a Saudi national linked to two of the 9/11 hijackers in the United States, though he says he simply befriended the pair rather than ran them as agents. Files of the U.S. FBI dating to before the attacks demonstrate that he was a Saudi Arabian intelligence agent. An FBI report declassified in September 2021 lays out evidence that al-Bayoumi had links to known terrorists, provided significant support to 9/11 hijackers Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar upon their arrival in the U.S., and communicated with a key logistics facilitator for Osama bin Laden, each time immediately following significant logistics support to Hazmi and Mihdhar. An FBI report declassified in March 2022 lays out evidence that "there is a 50/50 chance [al-Bayoumi] had advanced knowledge the 9/11 attacks were to occur." from the two Islamists he befriended that were involved in plotting 9/11. al-Bayoumi also helped the Islamists find housing in San Diego.
Saudi Arabia claims that al-Bayoumi is not an agent of theirs. According to previously-classified memoranda released by the National Archives in May 2016, as of 6 June 2003, the FBI "believes it is possible that he was an agent of the Saudi Government and that he may have been reporting on the local [Saudi] community to the Saudi Government officials. In addition, during its investigation, the FBI discovered that al-Bayoumi has ties to terrorist elements as well."
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