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Video: Timberlake hyllade Prince i halvtidsshowen

Många undrade vem Justin Timberlake skulle ha med sig på scen under Super Bowls halvtidsshow. Ingen levande artist, skulle det visa sig.

Efter att Timberlake bränt av gamla hittar som ”Cry me a river” och ”Sexyback” vecklades en lila duk ut från taket. En projektion av Prince visades på duken samtidigt som Timberlake satte sig vid pianot och sjöng med i ”I Would Die 4 You”. Därmed fick många av dem som hade tippat att Prince skulle bli hyllad i hemstaden Minneapolis rätt.

– Minneapolis, Minnesota, det här är för er, sa Timberlake.

Wikipedia (en)
Prince Rogers Nelson (June 7, 1958 – April 21, 2016) was an American singer, songwriter, record producer, multi-instrumentalist, actor, and director. He was known for his eclectic work, flamboyant stage presence, extravagant dress and makeup, and wide vocal range. His innovative music integrated a wide variety of styles, including funk, rock, R&B, new wave, soul, psychedelia, and pop. He sold over 100 million records worldwide, making him one of the best-selling music artists of all time. He won eight Grammy Awards, six American Music Awards, a Golden Globe Award, and an Academy Award for the 1984 film Purple Rain. He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2004. Prince was born in Minneapolis and developed an interest in music as a young child. He signed a recording contract with Warner Bros. Records at the age of 17, and released his debut album For You in 1978. His 1979 album Prince went platinum, and his next three records—Dirty Mind (1980), Controversy (1981), and 1999 (1982)—continued his success, showcasing Prince's prominently sexual lyrics and blending of funk, dance, and rock music. In 1984, he began referring to his backup band as The Revolution and released Purple Rain, the soundtrack album to his film debut. It quickly became his most critically and commercially successful release, spending 24 consecutive weeks atop the Billboard 200 and selling over 20 million copies worldwide. After releasing the albums Around the World in a Day (1985) and Parade (1986), The Revolution disbanded, and Prince released the double album Sign o' the Times (1987) as a solo artist. He released three more solo albums before debuting The New Power Generation band in 1991. In 1993, while in a contractual dispute with Warner Bros., he changed his stage name to , an unpronounceable symbol also known as the "Love Symbol", and began releasing new albums at a faster pace to remove himself from contractual obligations. He released five records between 1994 and 1996 before signing with Arista Records in 1998. In 2000, he began referring to himself as "Prince" again. He released 16 albums after that, including the platinum-selling Musicology (2004). His final album, Hit n Run Phase Two, was first released on the Tidal streaming service on December 2015. Five months later, Prince died of a fentanyl overdose at his Paisley Park recording studio and home in Chanhassen, Minnesota, at the age of 57.
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