Fotografen Mario Testino, Vogues chefredaktör Anna Wintour och forografen Bruce Weber. (TT)

Vogue bryter med fotografer efter anklagelser

Modemagasinet Vogue bryter samarbetet med de världsberömda fotograferna Mario Testino och Bruce Weber på obestämd tid, rapporterar TT. Anledningen är de anklagelser om sexuella trakasserier som riktas mot dem båda.

I ett inlägg på Vogues hemsida skriver tidningens chefredaktör Anna Wintour att hon avbryter samarbetet med fotograferna, som båda två är personliga vänner till henne. Beslutet har fattats sedan New York Times intervjuat en rad fotomodeller som anklagar Testino och Weber för sexuella trakasserier och aggressiva sexuella närmanden.

Bruce Weber nekar till alla anklagelser. Mario Testino har valt att inte kommenterat uppgifterna.

Läs mer:

Bruce Weber
Wikipedia (en)
Bruce Weber (born March 29, 1946) is an American fashion photographer and occasional filmmaker. He is most widely known for his ad campaigns for Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, Pirelli, Abercrombie & Fitch, Revlon, and Gianni Versace, as well as his work for Vogue, GQ, Vanity Fair, Elle, Life, Interview, and Rolling Stone magazines.
Mario Testino
Wikipedia (en)
Mario Testino OBE (born on 30 October 1954) is a Peruvian fashion and portrait photographer. His work has featured internationally in magazines such as Vogue, V Magazine, Vanity Fair and GQ. He has also created images for brands such as Gucci, Burberry, Versace, Michael Kors, Chanel, Stuart Weitzman, Carolina Herrera and Estée Lauder. Alongside his practice as a photographer, Testino has also worked as a creative director, guest editor, museum founder, art collector and collaborator and entrepreneur. In 2007, he formed MARIOTESTINO+, which provides creative direction, art direction, brand strategy, graphic design, film and stills production, digital and social media, product development, books, exhibitions, licensing and partnerships. Aaron Hicklin of The Observer described him as "the world's most prolific magazine and fashion trade photographer".
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