Whitney Houston 1986/Arkivbild (Anonymous / TT NYHETSBYRÅN)

Whitney Houston tar plats i rockens Hall of fame

Bortgångna artisterna Whitney Houston, Notorious BIG och Marc Bolan från T Rex tar i kväll plats i Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, skriver AP.

Ceremonin skulle egentligen ha hållits i maj i amerikanska Cleveland, Ohio, där museet ligger. Men på grund av pandemin har det ändrats och i stället sänder HBO på lördagen en förinspelad gala där artister som Bruce Springsteen, Sean “Diddy” Combs och Alicia Keys deltar.

– Jag är väldigt stolt över att Whitney väljs in, säger hennes mamma Cissy Houston, 87, till USA Today.

Även Nine Inch Nails, Depeche Mode och the Doobie Brothers finns bland de musiker som väljs in i år.

Invalda i Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Wikipedia (en)
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, established in 1983 and located in Cleveland, Ohio, United States, is dedicated to recording the history of some of the best-known and most influential musicians, bands, producers, and others that have in some major way influenced the music industry, particularly in the area of rock and roll. Originally, there were four categories of induction: performers, non-performers, early influences, and lifetime achievement. In 2000, "sidemen" was introduced as a category. The only category that has seen new inductees every single year is the performers category. Artists become eligible for induction in that category 25 years after the release of their first record. In order to be inducted, an artist must be nominated by a committee that selects a number of candidates, the highest being 16 for the 2020 class. Ballots are then sent to more than 1,000 "rock experts" who evaluate the candidates and vote on who should be inducted. The performers that receive the highest number of votes are inducted. This number varies; for example, seven were inducted in 2019. Starting in 2012, fans could vote on a fan ballot with an equal weight to the other ballots. As of 2017, new inductees will be honored at an annual ceremony held alternately in New York and at the Hall of Fame in Cleveland; prior to that, the ceremonies rotated between Cleveland, New York, and Los Angeles.The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame has garnered criticism for allegedly allowing the nomination process to be controlled by a few individuals, nominating too many artists in too many genres that are not entirely rock, ignoring entire rock genres, and using technicalities to induct groups who may not have been among the top vote getters. The Sex Pistols, who were inducted in 2006, refused to attend the ceremony; John Lydon writing a note, read out by Jann Wenner, calling the museum a "piss stain".
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