Rebel Wilson. (LEON NEAL / AFP)

Wilson får miljoner i skadestånd – efter förtal

Den australiska skådespelerskan Rebel Wilson tilldelas ett skadestånd motsvarande drygt 36 miljoner kronor, rapporterar The Guardian.

Wilson, 37 vann striden mot det australiska mediebolaget Bauer Media i början av sommaren. Rättegången handlar om åtta artiklar i bolagets tidningar, som Wilson hävdar har skadat hennes rykte och kostat henne flera jobb. Högsta domstolen i Melbourne slår fast att det rör sig om förtal.

Wilson har tidigare lovat att skänka pengarna från skadeståndet till välgörenhet, enligt The Sydney Morning Herald. På Twitter skriver hon att hon ser fram emot att återvända till sin karriär. ”Tack igen för kärleken och allt stöd!”, skriver hon.

Rebel Wilson
Wikipedia (en)
Rebel Melanie Elizabeth Wilson (born Melanie Elizabeth Bownds; 2 March 1980) is an Australian actress, writer, and producer. After graduating from the Australian Theatre for Young People in 2003, she began appearing as Toula on the Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) comedy series Pizza and the sketch comedy series The Wedge. In 2008, Wilson wrote, produced and starred in the musical comedy series Bogan Pride. The following year, she won the Tropfest best actress award for her role in Bargain and made a guest appearance in City Homicide. Shortly after moving to the United States, Wilson was cast as Brynn in the feature film Bridesmaids. Wilson also appeared in A Few Best Men, What to Expect When You're Expecting and Struck by Lightning, leading Variety to name her one of their "Top Ten Comics to Watch for 2011". She also appeared as Becky in Bachelorette and starred in the musical films Pitch Perfect and Pitch Perfect 2 as Fat Amy, a role that earned her several award nominations and wins including the MTV Best Breakthrough Performance Award and a Teen Choice Award for Choice Movie Actress. She then created and starred in Super Fun Night, a television comedy that aired for one season on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC).
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