”3 500 yazidiska kvinnor är fortfarande fångar hos IS”
Under tisdagen tog Nadia Murad, 23, och Lamia Haji Bashar, 18, emot Sacharovpriset i EU-parlamentet i Strasbourg. De båda yazidiska flickorna tillfångatogs av IS då terrorgruppen intog deras by i norra Irak 2014, och har sedan de lyckades fly kämpat för yazidiers och kvinnors rättigheter. När de mötte pressen efter prisutdelningen var båda noggranna med att påpeka att terrorgruppens övergrepp på deras folk fortfarande pågår:
– 3 500 yazidiska kvinnor är fortfarande fångar hos IS, sa Murad till AFP.
Nadia Murad
Wikipedia (en)
Nadia Murad Basee Taha (Arabic: نادية مراد; Kurdish: نادیە موراد; born 1993) is a Yazidi human rights activist, Nobel Peace Prize nominee and since September 2016 the first Goodwill Ambassador for the Dignity of Survivors of Human Trafficking of the United Nations. She was kidnapped and held by the Islamic State in August 2014.
Andrej Sacharov
Wikipedia (en)
Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov (Russian: Андре́й Дми́триевич Са́харов; 21 May 1921 – 14 December 1989) was a Russian nuclear physicist, Soviet dissident, an activist for disarmament, peace and human rights.
He became renowned as the designer of the Soviet Union's Third Idea, a codename for Soviet development of thermonuclear weapons. Sakharov later became an advocate of civil liberties and civil reforms in the Soviet Union, for which he faced state persecution; these efforts earned him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1975. The Sakharov Prize, which is awarded annually by the European Parliament for people and organizations dedicated to human rights and freedoms, is named in his honour.
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