Asteroiden som kan sabba alla hjärtans dag – om 23 år
Mycket få asteroider bedöms utgöra ett faktiskt hot mot vår planet. Men enligt experter finns det en liten risk att den nyupptäckta asteroiden ”2023 DW” slår ner, något som kan ske som tidigast på alla hjärtans dag år 2046. Det rapporterar The Guardian.
Forskare tror att asteroiden har en diameter på omkring 50 meter, men den kan också vara större, skriver CBS News.
Risken för att asteroiden verkligen ska utgöra en fara för planeten är dock mycket liten, en på 607, enligt Europeiska rymdorganisationen, ESA. Även den amerikanska rymdstyrelsen Nasa, som följer asteroiden, bedömer att risken för att jorden ska drabbas av ett asteroidnedslag år 2046 är mycket liten.
2023 DW
Wikipedia (en)
2023 DW is a near-Earth asteroid of the Aten group. It is approximately 50 meters (160 feet) in diameter, roughly the size of the asteroid that caused the Tunguska event, and was discovered by Georges Attard and Alain Maury, from the MAP (Maury/Attard/Parrott) asteroid search program in San Pedro de Atacama on 26 February 2023, when it was 0.07 AU (10 million km) from Earth. On 28 February 2023, with an observation arc of 1.2 days, it was rated 1 on the Torino scale for a virtual impactor on 14 February 2046 at 21:36 UTC. The nominal approach is expected to occur about five hours before the impact scenario at 14 February 2046 16:57 ± 1.2 days. With a Palermo scale rating of –2.12, the odds of impact are about 132 times less than the background hazard level. The asteroid has not been observed since 4 March. By 5 March, the asteroid had become more difficult to observe as it was within 30 degrees of the waxing gibbous moon.It came to perihelion (closest approach to the Sun) on 26 November 2022, and then approached Earth from the direction of the Sun making closest Earth approach on 18 February 2023 at distance of about 8.7 million km.
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