Befälhavare för Islamiska jihad dödad på Västbanken
En högt uppsatt befälhavare för den väpnade palestinska gruppen Islamiska jihad har dödats i ett israeliskt flyganfall på ockuperade Västbanken, uppger Israels militär enligt AFP.
Mohammad Abdullah ska ha lett den terrorklassade gruppen i flyktinglägret Nur Shams i Tulkarem.
Under året som har gått har våldet på Västbanken trappats upp. Israel har dödat minst 705 palestinier, enligt siffror från Ramallahs hälsodepartement. Under samma tid på Västbanken har 24 israeler dödats i israeliska militäroperationer eller i attacker utförda av palestinska stridande.
Islamiska Jihad
Wikipedia (en)
The Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine (Arabic: حركة الجهاد الإسلامي في فلسطين, Harakat al-Jihād al-Islāmi fi Filastīn), commonly known simply as Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), is a Palestinian Islamist paramilitary organization formed in 1981.
PIJ formed as an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood and was influenced ideologically in its formation by the Islamic Revolution in Iran. It is a member of the Alliance of Palestinian Forces, which rejects the Oslo Accords and whose objective is the establishment of a sovereign Islamic Palestinian state. It calls for the military destruction of Israel and rejects a two-state solution. The organization's financial backing has historically come mainly from Syria and Hezbollah. Since 2014, PIJ has seen its power steadily increase with the backing of funds from Iran. PIJ has notably participated in the ongoing Israel-Hamas war (2023-present), fighting alongside Hamas and other allied Palestinian factions.
The armed wing of PIJ is Al-Quds Brigades (also known as "Saraya"), also formed in 1981, which is active in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, with its main strongholds in the West Bank being the cities of Hebron and Jenin. Its operations have included suicide bombings, attacks on Israeli civilians, as well as the firing of rockets into Israel, targeting civilians. PIJ has been designated a terrorist organization by the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Israel.
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