Ben Stiller till Zelenskyj: ”Du är min hjälte”
På måndagen besökte den amerikanske skådespelaren Ben Stiller den ukrainske presidenten Volodymyr Zelenskyj i Kyiv, rapporterar BBC.
– Du är min hjälte, sa Stiller till Zelenskyj, och konstaterade sedan att presidenten lämnat en ”bra skådespelarkarriär” för sitt yrke.
– Inte så bra som din, kontrade Zelenskyj.
Under samtalet underströk Zelenskyj bland annat hur viktigt det är för ukrainarna att omvärlden fortsätter prata om kriget och hur Ryssland ska pressas.
Stiller besökte Ukraina i egenskap av ambassadör för FN:s flyktingorgan UNHCR på internationella flyktingdagen.
Ben Stiller
Wikipedia (en)
Benjamin Edward Meara Stiller (born November 30, 1965) is an American actor, comedian, producer, director, and screenwriter. He is the son of the comedians and actors Jerry Stiller and Anne Meara.After beginning his acting career with a play, Stiller wrote several mockumentaries and was offered his own show, titled The Ben Stiller Show, which he produced and hosted for its 13-episode run. Having previously acted in television, he began acting in films. He made his directorial debut with Reality Bites. Throughout his career he has written, starred in, directed, or produced more than 50 films including The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, Zoolander, The Cable Guy, There's Something About Mary, the Meet the Parents trilogy, DodgeBall, Tropic Thunder, the Madagascar series, and the Night at the Museum trilogy. He has also made numerous cameos in music videos, television shows, and films.Stiller is a member of a group of comedic actors colloquially known as the Frat Pack. His films have grossed more than $2.6 billion in Canada and the United States, with an average of $79 million per film. Throughout his career, he has received various awards and honors, including an Emmy Award, multiple MTV Movie Awards, a Britannia Award and a Teen Choice Award.
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