Brittisk terrorist erkänner flera brott kopplade till IS
Aine Davis, som har tillhört den brittiska IS-cellen som gått under namnet ”The Beatles”, erkänner sig skyldig till terrorbrott. Det rapporterar BBC.
Terrorcellen blev ökänd för sina halshuggningar av européer och amerikaner.
Davis har redan avtjänat ett fängelsestraff i Turkiet för sina kopplingar till terrororganisationen och kommer den 13 november få ett nytt straff i Storbritannien. Brotten han har erkänt är vapenbrott med koppling till terrorism och finansiering av terrorism.
Aine Davis
Wikipedia (en)
Aine Lesley Davis (born 11 February 1984), also known as Jihadi Paul, is a British convert to Islam who was convicted in a Turkish court of being a member of a terrorist group while serving as a fighter for the ISIL.
Terrorcellen The Beatles
Wikipedia (en)
The Beatles was the nickname for an Islamic State terrorist group composed of four British militants. The group was named after the British rock group the Beatles by their hostages, and the group's members were even nicknamed after the band's members: "John", "Paul", "George", and "Ringo".
The group carried out the beheadings in Iraq and Syria in 2014 of American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff and British aid workers David Haines and Alan Henning. The group also guarded more than 20 Western hostages of ISIS in Western Raqqa, Syria. They were reportedly harsher than other ISIS guards, torturing captives with electroshock weapons and subjecting them to mock executions (including a crucifixion) and waterboarding.
In November 2015, one of the militants was killed and one was arrested and imprisoned in Turkey; the other two were captured in early 2018, transferred to U.S. military custody, and sentenced to life imprisonment in the U.S. in 2022.
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