Cypern hjälpte ryska oligarker skydda miljarder
Finansiella aktörer på Cypern hjälpte ryska oligarker att flytta miljardbelopp i tillgångar när de belades med sanktioner efter Rysslands invasion av Ukraina, rapporterar The Guardian.
Bland annat hjälpte revisionsjätten PwC:s Cypernfilial en av Rysslands mäktigaste oligarker, Aleksej Mordasjov, att flytta motsvarande över 13 miljarder kronor mellan bolag samma dag som sanktioner riktades mot honom.
Informationen avslöjades efter att en anonym källa läckt 3,6 miljoner filer till ICIJ, ett internationellt nätverk för grävande journalister.
EU-medlemslandets regering lovar nu att införa ”nolltolerans” mot sanktionsbrott.
Aleksej Mordasjov
Wikipedia (en)
Alexey Alexandrovich Mordashov (Russian: Алексей Александрович Мордашов; born 26 September 1965) is a Russian billionaire businessman. He is the main shareholder and chairman of Severstal, Russia's largest steel and mining company.As of March 2022, Bloomberg Billionaires Index estimated Mordashov's personal net worth at US$21.2 billion, making him the second-richest person in Russia. In the Forbes 2021 ranking, which takes into account the assets of the whole family, Mordashov ranks first among Russian billionaires ($29.1B). In the Forbes 2023 rating, the Mordashov family moved to fifth place with a fortune of $20.9 billion.When he was 37, Forbes ordained him (along with Oprah) as a "new arrival" in the world of billionaires.Mordashov was mentioned in the Panama Papers and FinCEN files leaks – a company associated with Mordashov paid for a number of Vladimir Putin's pet projects and gave generously to close Putin associates.He is under sanctions due to Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine. According to the EU, Rossiya Bank, in which Mordashov owns a financial stake, is the "personal bank" of the senior officials who benefitted from the annexation of Crimea.
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