Efter Ungerns krav: Tre ryssar slipper sanktioner
EU har hävt sanktionerna mot tre ryssar efter krav från Ungern, uppger källor med insyn för Bloomberg.
Inför att sanktionerna mot en rad ryska individer skulle förlängas i en ny sexmånadersperiod hotade Ungern att lägga in veto om inte åtta av dem togs bort från listan.
En av dem var oligarken Michail Fridman, som även Luxemburg ville ha bort från listan. Han blev dock kvar på den i slutändan, och vilka tre ryssar som togs bort på Ungerns begäran framgår inte. Enligt ryska Sistemas källor ska en av dem vara idrottsminister Michail Degtyarev, skriver Meduza.
EU:s förlängningar av sanktioner mot ryssar har skett rutinmässigt sedan invasionen, men Ungern har börjat protestera sedan USA-valet i höstas.
Michail Fridman
Wikipedia (en)
Mikhail Maratovich Fridman (also transliterated Mikhail Friedman; Russian: Михаил Маратович Фридман; Hebrew: מיכאיל פרידמן; born 21 April 1964) is a Ukrainian-born, Russian–Israeli tycoon and oligarch. He is one of the co-founders of Alfa-Group, a multinational Russian conglomerate. According to Forbes, he was the second-richest Russian as of 2013 ($16.5 billion), moving down to ninth-richest Russian in 2023 ($12.6 billion). In May 2017, he was also ranked as Russia's most important businessman by bne IntelliNews.
In February 2024, Fridman had a net worth of $13.1 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.
As per Forbes list of The Richest People In The World, dated 6 February 2025 Mikhail Fridman ranked #150 with a net worth of $13.3 Billion.
In 1991, he co-founded Alfa-Bank, one of the largest private banks in Russia. After being CEO of TNK-BP, the 50/50 TNK-BP joint venture, for nine years, in 2013 he sold his stake in the company and co-founded the international investment company LetterOne (L1). Until 2022 Fridman was chairman of the supervisory board of Alfa Group Consortium, and was on the boards of Alfa-Bank and ABH Holdings.
Prior to 2022, he was on the supervisory board of directors for VEON (formerly Vimpelcom) and X5 Retail Group. He is a member of the supervisory board of DEA Deutsche Erdoel AG, which is owned by LetterOne. Fridman has been a member of numerous public-facing bodies, including the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Public Chamber of Russia, and the Council on Foreign Relations.
In 2022, the EU imposed sanctions on Fridman in response to the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. Fridman claimed the EU's allegations were false and defamatory. He subsequently decided to step down from the boards of LetterOne and Alfa Group, so that they could avoid sanctions. As reported by several media, Fridman has already filed lawsuits challenging sanctions on at least two occasions, like in July 2022 and in December 2022.
In December 2022, a man reported by Russian state media to be Fridman was arrested in London by the UK's National Crime Agency, on charges of money laundering, conspiracy to defraud the Home Office and conspiracy to commit perjury. The UK National Crime Agency did not name the man, stating only that it had detained a 58-year-old "wealthy Russian businessman" at a "multi-million-pound residence". He was later released on bail. Subsequently, the agency scaled back its probe. In September 2023 the National Crime Agency closed the investigation.
In October 2023, Fridman reportedly announced to return to Russia.
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