Elon Musk skeptisk till metaversum och Web3
Elon Musk uttrycker i en intervju med satirsajten The Babylon Bee skepsis till koncepten med metaversum och Web3. Musk säger i intervjun att han ”inte nödvändigtvis köper metaversumgrejen” och att det är något av ett modeord. Musk tror inte heller att människor kommer att vilja bära VR- eller AR-headsets under stora delar av sin dag.
När det gäller Web3 – det vill säga den iteration av internet som bygger på blockkedjeteknik – så menar Musk att det handlar ”mer om marknadsföring än om verklighet”. Men han poängterar samtidigt att han inte riktigt förstår sig på konceptet.
Wikipedia (en)
Web3, also known as Web 3.0, is an idea for a new iteration of the Internet that incorporates decentralization based on blockchains. It is often contrasted with Web 2.0, wherein data and content are centralized in a small group of companies sometimes referred to as "Big Tech". The term was coined in 2014 by Ethereum co-founder Gavin Wood, and the idea gained interest in 2021 from cryptocurrency enthusiasts, large technology companies, and venture capital firms.
Wikipedia (en)
The metaverse is a hypothesized iteration of the Internet, supporting persistent online 3-D virtual environments through conventional personal computing, as well as virtual and augmented reality headsets.Aspects of the Metaverse have already been implemented in virtual world platforms such as Second Life. Some iterations of the metaverse involve integration between virtual and physical spaces and virtual economies.Current metaverse development is centered on addressing the technological limitations with virtual and augmented reality devices.The term "metaverse" has its origins in the 1992 science fiction novel Snow Crash as a portmanteau of "meta" and "universe." It has since gained notoriety as a buzzword for promotion, and as a way to generate hype for public relations purposes by making vague claims for future projects. Information privacy and user addiction are concerns within the metaverse, stemming from challenges facing the social media and video game industries as a whole.

Intervjun med Elon Musk
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