FN om Mosuloffensiven: ”Dödssiffran är hisnande”
Sedan slaget om Mosul inleddes i oktober har nästan 2 000 irakiska soldater, polismän och medlemmar i kurdiska Peshmerga dödats. Det uppgav FN på torsdagen. Antalet civila dödsoffer under samma månad uppgick till 926.
– Dödssiffran är hisnande och civila står för en betydande andel, säger Jan Kubis, FN:s sändebud i Irak, enligt AFP.
Antalet döda ökade med 300 procent mellan oktober och november. Enligt Jan Kubis beror det på ”jihadisternas allt våldsammare motstånd” mot offensiven.
Offensiven mot Mosul
Wikipedia (en)
Operation Conquest or Operation Fatah was an offensive against the positions of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in Mosul and the surrounding region. The offensive was a joint effort by the Iraqi government forces with allied militias, the government of Iraqi Kurdistan, local Assyrian Christian, Yezidi, Turcoman and Armenian militias, and US and UK air support and limited ground forces. The aim of the operation, part of the military intervention against ISIL, was to set the conditions for an upcoming battle to push ISIL out of the second-largest city of Iraq, as well as the rest of the Nineveh Governorate. The operation follows the Mosul offensive in 2015, which successfully recaptured parts of the region northwest of Mosul, but stopped short of breaching the city itself, for various reasons. The fall of Mosul to ISIL occurred between 4 and 10 June 2014.
Early in the morning of 21 October 2016, on the fifth day of the Mosul offensive, dozens of ISIL fighters assaulted the Kurdish oil-rich city of Kirkuk, 175 kilometers (110 miles) from Mosul. After entering the city, ISIL members split up into groups of three to five fighters and spread out to five areas in the city after infiltrating on foot, and the battle lasted into the evening. By 22 October 2016, four of the five areas had been secured, with ISIL fighters remaining alive in the Dumez district. The strategy by Islamic State seems to have only been partially effective, as although it diverted media attention from the Mosul offensive, none of the forces used to repel the ISIL fighters came from the Mosul offensive.
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