Ghislaine Maxwell stäms av sina egna advokater
Den advokatfirma som försvarade Ghislaine Maxwell vid rättegången i fjol stämmer henne för obetalda advokatkostnader på nästan 900 000 dollar (9,5 miljoner kronor), skriver New York Times.
Maxwell anklagades och dömdes i december för att ha hjälpt den avlidne bankiren Jeffrey Epstein att begå sexuella övergrepp mot flickor och unga kvinnor. Utöver Ghislaine Maxwell stäms även hennes bror Kevin, som enligt stämningen personligen lovat att betala advokatkostnaderna i rättegången.
”I själva verket hade Kevin Maxwell inte någon avsikt att betala”, skriver advokatfirman.
Ghislaine Maxwell
Wikipedia (en)
Ghislaine Noelle Marion Maxwell ( ghee-LAYN, -LEN; born 25 December 1961) is a British convicted sex offender and former socialite. In 2021, she was found guilty of child sex trafficking and other offences in connection with the financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, and was sentenced, in a New York court, to 20 years imprisonment on 28 June 2022.Born in France, Maxwell was raised in Oxford. In the 1980s she attended Balliol College, Oxford, and then became a prominent member of London's social scene. Maxwell worked for her father, Robert Maxwell, until his death in 1991; she then moved to New York City, where she continued living as a socialite and had a relationship with Epstein. In 2012, Maxwell founded a non-profit group for the protection of oceans. Following sex trafficking allegations being brought by prosecutors against Epstein in July 2019, the organisation announced cessation of operations the same month. Maxwell is a naturalised US citizen and retains both French and British citizenship.On 2 July 2020, Maxwell was arrested and charged by the federal government of the United States with the crimes of enticement of minors and sex trafficking of underage girls, related to her association with Epstein. She was denied bail as a flight risk, with the judge expressing concerns regarding her "completely opaque" finances, her skill at living in hiding, and the fact that France does not extradite its citizens. On 29 December 2021, she was convicted on five out of six counts, including one of sex trafficking of a minor. She faces a second criminal trial for two charges of lying under oath about Epstein's abuse of underage girls.
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