Hasselmann: ”Jag försöker fortfarande greppa det”
Tyske professorn Klaus Hasselmann är en av årets Nobelpristagare i fysik. Att få priset är en ”fantastisk överraskning”, säger han till TT.
– Jag tycker inte att jag har forskat allt för mycket i mitt liv, men jag har haft väldigt roligt när jag gjort det tillsammans med mina kollegor. Och att belönas med Nobelpriset är en fantastisk överraskning, säger han.
När nyhetsbyrån når professorn har han mottagit beskedet bara fem minuter tidigare.
– Jag försöker fortfarande greppa det, säger han.
Klaus Hasselmann får dela på ena halvan av fysikpriset tillsammans med Syukuro Manabe. Den andra halvan av priset tilldelas Giorgio Parisi.
Klaus Hasselmann
Wikipedia (en)
Klaus Hasselmann (born 25 October 1931 in Hamburg) is a leading German oceanographer and climate modeller. He is probably best known for developing the Hasselmann model of climate variability, where a system with a long memory (the ocean) integrates stochastic forcing, thereby transforming a white-noise signal into a red-noise one, thus explaining (without special assumptions) the ubiquitous red-noise signals seen in the climate. He was awarded the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics jointly with Syukuro Manabe and Giorgio Parisi for groundbreaking contributions to the "physical modeling of earth's climate, quantifying variability and reliably predicting global warming."
Giorgio Parisi
Wikipedia (en)
Giorgio Parisi (born 4 August 1948) is an Italian theoretical physicist, whose research has focused on quantum field theory, statistical mechanics and complex systems. His best known contributions are the QCD evolution equations for parton densities, obtained with Guido Altarelli, known as the Altarelli–Parisi or DGLAP equations, the exact solution of the Sherrington–Kirkpatrick model of spin glasses, the Kardar–Parisi–Zhang equation describing dynamic scaling of growing interfaces, and the study of whirling flocks of birds. He was awarded the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics "for the discovery of the interplay of disorder and fluctuations in physical systems from atomic to planetary scales."
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