
Hissrevolution: Horisontal resa – utan kablar

I takt med att fler människor flyttar in till städer och det i sin tur leder till att fler höga bostadshus byggs krävs en ny typ av hissar, resonerar tyska Thyssenkrupp. Konglomeratet avtäckte i juni sin senaste prototyp, kallad Multi, som är ett hissystem som bland annat gör det möjligt för flera hissar att färdas i samma schakt och för dem att förflytta sig horisontellt. Systemet bygger på att alla kablar tas bort och ersätts med magneter och motorer, skriver Financial Times.

Thyssenkrupp menar att systemet har potential att revolutionera sättet som skyskrapor designas på och att det öppnar för helt nya möjligheter för stadsplanerare – bland annat med tanke på att de slopade kablaget frigör stora utrymmen.

Wikipedia (en)
ThyssenKrupp AG (stylized for current logo as thyssenkrupp AG) is a German multinational conglomerate, based in Duisburg and Essen and divided into 670 subsidiaries worldwide. It is one of the world's largest steel producers; it was ranked tenth-largest worldwide by revenue in 2015. The company is the result of the 1999 merger of Thyssen AG and Krupp, and now has its operational headquarters in Essen. The largest shareholder is the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation, a major German philanthropic foundation, created by and named in honour of Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, former owner and head of the Krupp company, once the largest company in Europe. In addition to steel production, ThyssenKrupp's products range from machines and industrial services to high-speed trains and shipbuilding. The subsidiary ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems manufactures frigates, corvettes and submarines for German and foreign navies. ThyssenKrupp has 5,500 employees and generates €1.6 billion in revenue in Spain, where it mainly manufactures elevators. Italy, where the company produces most of its stainless steel, generates €2.3 billion in revenue. The businesses in those two countries make up 9% of all sales for the company. Construction of the corporate headquarters began in 2007. The first buildings were complete in 2010; the second phase of building was completed in June 2015. Situated in the west of Essen, the corporate campus was designed by Chaix & Morel et associeés (Paris) and JSWD Architekten (Cologne). Their design was selected for construction in an architectural design competition in 2006.
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