IS-kvinna förlorar kampen om brittiskt medborgarskap
IS-kvinnan Shamima Begum får inte tillbaka sitt brittiska medborgarskap, som hon fråntogs 2019. En domstol har avslagit hennes överklagan vilket innebär att hennes hopp om att återvända är släckt, skriver BBC.
Begum reste till Syrien för att ansluta till terrorgruppen IS år 2015. Hon var då 15 år. Hon greps 2019 och har sedan dess suttit i ett interneringsläger i Syrien.
Shamima Begum
Wikipedia (en)
Shamima Begum (born 25 August 1999) is a British-born woman who entered Syria to join the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) at the age of 15. She was a student at Bethnal Green Academy in London when she and two schoolmates – who became known as the Bethnal Green trio – travelled to Syria in February 2015. Begum married a fellow ISIL member 10 days after her arrival and had three children who all died young. She developed a reputation as an enforcer amongst other members of ISIL and was responsible for recruitment to the group.
On 13 February 2019, Begum was discovered alive at the Al-Hawl refugee camp in Northern Syria by war correspondent Anthony Loyd. The following day, British Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, revoked her British citizenship. The British government believed that Begum held dual citizenship due to her Bangladeshi parents but this has been contested by the Government of Bangladesh.
Javid stated that Begum would never be allowed to return to the United Kingdom. In July 2020, the Court of Appeal ruled that Begum should be permitted to return to the UK in order fairly to contest the Home Secretary’s decision by instructing lawyers properly. This ruling was appealed to the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom which, on 26 February 2021, ruled unanimously against her, reversing the decision of the Court of Appeal and preventing her return.
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