Johnson flyttar – men katten Larry blir kvar
Boris Johnson har lämnat över Downing Street till efterträdaren Liz Truss. Men huskatten Larry, som officiellt bär titeln ”förste musjägare”, stannar kvar.
Truss blir den brunvita hanens fjärde premiärminister efter att han adopterades av David Cameron 2011. Johnson nämnde i sitt avskedstal på tisdagen att Larry och familjens hund, Dilyn, till slut börjat komma överens efter en skakig inledande relation.
– Om Dilyn och Larry kan lägga sina olikheter bakom sig så kan även det konservativa partiet gör det, sa den avgående premiärministern.

Boris Johnson thanks Larry the Cat and Dylan the Dog during final goodbye
Förste musjägare
Wikipedia (en)
Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office is the title of the official resident cat at 10 Downing Street, the residence and executive office of the prime minister of the United Kingdom in London. There has been a resident cat in the British government employed as a mouser and pet since the 1500s, although modern records date only to the 1920s. Despite other cats having served Downing Street, the first one to be given the official title of Chief Mouser by the British government was Larry in 2011. Other cats have been given this title affectionately, usually by the British press.
In 2004, a study was conducted showing that voters' perceptions of the chief mouser were not completely above partisanship.
Wikipedia (en)
Larry is a domestic cat who has served as Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office of the United Kingdom at 10 Downing Street since 2011. He is a brown-and-white tabby, believed to have been born in January 2007. By July 2016, when Theresa May became Prime Minister, he had developed a reputation of being "violent" in his interactions with other local mousers, especially the Foreign Office's much younger cat, Palmerston.
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