
Johnsons tidigare minister: I Guds namn, avlägsna dig

En av Boris Johnsons tidigare ministrar uppmanade premiärministern att avgå under onsdagens frågestund i underhuset.

Den tidigare brexitministern David Davis sa att Johnson agerat ansvarslöst och undflyende och syftade på avslöjandena om fester på Downing Street under lockdown. Så sent som i går sa Johnson att ”ingen varnat honom” för att festerna var emot reglerna.

– Jag förväntar mig att mina ledare tar ansvar för sina handlingar. I går gjorde han motsatsen, sa Davis.

Han fortsatte med att citera den konservativa parlamentarikern Leo Amery, som 1940 uppmanade premiärminister Neville Chamberlain att avgå.

– Oavsett vad du har åstadkommit har du suttit för länge. I Guds namn, avlägsna dig! avslutade Davis.

David Davis
Wikipedia (en)
David Michael Davis (born 23 December 1948) is a British politician who served as Shadow Home Secretary from 2003 to 2008 and as Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union from 2016 to 2018. A member of the Conservative Party, he has served as Member of Parliament (MP) for Haltemprice and Howden, formerly Boothferry, since 1987. Davis was sworn of the Privy Council in the 1997 New Year Honours, having previously been Minister of State for Europe from 1994 to 1997. He was brought up on the Aboyne Estate, a council estate in Tooting, South West London. After attending Bec Grammar School in Tooting, he went on to gain a master's degree in business at the age of 25, and went into a career with Tate & Lyle. Having entered Parliament in 1987, at the age of 38, he was appointed Europe Minister by Prime Minister John Major in July 1994. He held that position until the 1997 general election. He subsequently was Conservative Party Chairman and Shadow Secretary of State for the Office of Deputy Prime Minister. Between 2003 and 2008, he was the Shadow Home Secretary in the Shadow Cabinets of both Michael Howard and David Cameron. Davis had previously been a candidate for the leadership of the Conservative Party in 2001 and 2005, coming fourth and second respectively. On 12 June 2008, Davis unexpectedly announced his intention to resign as an MP, and was immediately replaced as Shadow Home Secretary; this was in order to force a by-election in his seat for which he intended to seek re-election by mounting a specific campaign designed to provoke wider public debate about the erosion of civil liberties in the United Kingdom. Following his formal resignation as an MP he became the Conservative candidate in the resulting by-election, which he won a month later. In July 2016, following a referendum in which a majority of those voting supported leaving the European Union, Davis was appointed by new Prime Minister Theresa May to the new Department for Exiting the European Union (DExEU) as Secretary of State, with responsibility for negotiating the UK's prospective exit from the EU. He was sidelined mid-way through the talks, with the Prime Minister's Europe Adviser Olly Robbins taking charge of negotiations. Davis resigned from his government position on 8 July 2018, over May's Brexit strategy and the Chequers plan. Following his resignation, DExEU junior minister Steve Baker and Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson also resigned.
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