”Kapten Kirk”: Tar chans att se rymden med egna ögon
Han är mest känd som ”Kapten Kirk” från Star trek-universumet. Men i dag åker 90-årige skådespelaren William Shatner ut i rymden med Jeff Bezos rymdföretag Blue Origin, skriver amerikanska medier.
Shatner blir därmed den äldsta rymdresenären hittills.
– Jag har länge hört talas om rymden. Nu tar jag tillfället i akt att se den med egna ögon. Vilket mirakel, säger han i ett uttalande.
Shatner reser upp tillsammans med tre andra civila personer. Resan väntas pågå i omkring tio minuter. Det blir företagets andra tur med enbart civila personer, efter att Bezos-bröderna deltog under den första turen i juli.
Axios konstaterar att rymdresan är ytterligare ett steg mot företagets mål om rymdturism för privatpersoner.
William Shatner
Wikipedia (en)
William Shatner (born March 22, 1931) is a Canadian actor, author, producer, director, screenwriter, and singer. In his seven decades of acting, he became known for his portrayal of Captain James T. Kirk of the USS Enterprise in the Star Trek franchise. He has written a series of books chronicling his experiences playing Captain Kirk, being a part of Star Trek, and life after Star Trek. He has also co-written several novels set in the Star Trek universe and a series of science fiction novels called TekWar that were adapted for television. Shatner also played the eponymous veteran police sergeant in T. J. Hooker (1982–1986) and hosted the reality-based television series Rescue 911 (1989–1996), which won a People's Choice Award for Favorite New TV Dramatic Series. Shatner also appeared in two episodes of the television detective series Columbo almost two decades apart. He also appeared in seasons 4 and 5 of the NBC series 3rd Rock from the Sun as the alien "Big Giant Head" to which the main characters reported.
From 2004 until 2008, he starred as attorney Denny Crane both in the final season of the legal drama The Practice and in its spinoff series Boston Legal, a role that earned him two Emmy Awards, one on each series. He appeared in both seasons of the comical NBC real-life travelogue with other male companions "of a certain age" in Better Late Than Never, from 2016 to 2018. Shatner has also pursued a career in music and spoken word recordings since the late 1960s, having released eight albums.
Shatner is scheduled for a spaceflight aboard New Shepard on October 13, 2021. Aged 90, he will be the oldest person to fly in space.
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