Gina Haspel svärs in. (Aaron Bernstein / TT NYHETSBYRÅN)

Klart: Gina Haspel blir CIA:s första kvinnliga chef

Senaten har godkänt Gina Haspel som underrättelsetjänsten CIA:s nya chef, enligt amerikanska medier. Därmed blir hon den första kvinnan någonsin på posten.

Donald Trumps nominering var inte okontroversiell. Haspels karriär svärtas av hennes tid som chef för ett hemligt CIA-fängelse i Thailand, där al-Qaida-fångar utsattes för skendränkning. Inför utnämningen har hon bedyrat att CIA inte kommer att ägna sig åt tortyr av fångar om hon får det prestigefyllda jobbet.

Haspel tar över som CIA-chef efter Mike Pompeo, som nyligen utsågs till Trumps nya utrikesminister.

Gina Haspel
Wikipedia (en)
Gina Cheri Haspel (née Walker; born October 1, 1956) is an American intelligence officer currently serving as the Acting Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) since April 26, 2018, while still holding the official title of Deputy Director. She became Acting Director following Mike Pompeo's resignation to become United States Secretary of State and has been nominated by President Donald Trump to become the official CIA Director. If confirmed by the Senate, she will be the first female CIA Director; she is the second female Deputy Director of CIA. Haspel has attracted controversy for her role as chief of a CIA black site in Thailand in 2002 in which prisoners were tortured with so-called "enhanced interrogation techniques", including waterboarding. At that time, the George W. Bush administration considered the techniques legal based on a set of secret, now-repudiated legal opinions that expansively defined executive authority and narrowly defined torture.
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