Lynk & Co överväger att bygga bilar i Europa
Volvo Cars-ägaren Geelys nya bilmärke Lynk & Co, som har utvecklats i Göteborg, överväger att även tillverka bilarna i Europa och USA. Detta kan ske vid Volvos fabriker i Belgien och South Carolina, uppger Alain Visser, en av bolagets chefer, till Reuters.
Den första modellen har redan börjat produceras vid Volvos fabrik i Taizho i Kina och försäljningen i landet inleddes i veckan. Lynk & Co planerar en lansering i Europa 2019 och i USA 2020.
Lynk & Co
Wikipedia (en)
Lynk & Co is an automotive brand owned by China-based Zhejiang Geely Holding Group. Founded in 2016, its cars will be positioned between those of the Geely brand and Swedish brand Volvo, which was purchased by Geely in 2010. The focus of the brand is on internet connectivity and innovative purchasing models in certain markets, targeting the young professional demographic.
The name Lynk is meant to evoke connectivity and communication. The Chinese name of the brand is Lingke (领克), a transliteration of Lynk that has given meanings, where 领 means "to lead with open mind, in style design and cutting-edge technologies" while 克 means "to amend with innovations in trilateral space between human, vehicle and environment for better traffic".
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