Marjorie Taylor Greene. (Julia Nikhinson / AP)

Marjorie Taylor Greene ser ut att få roll under Musk

En underkommitté till Elon Musks effektiviseringsdepartement kommer enligt Fox News källor skapas och ledas av republikanen Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Elon Musks departement, som han har döpt efter memen och kryptovalutan Doge, ska fokusera på att sänka statsapparatens kostnader och minska byråkratin. Förutom Musk leds departementet av en annan miljardär, Vivek Ramaswamy, som bekräftar att han har haft ett möte med ordföranden för representanthusets översiktsskommitté, James Comer, och Majorie Taylor Greene.

– Vi ser fram emot att jobba tillsammans, säger Ramaswamy till Fox.

Marjorie Taylor Greene har gjort sig känd för att vara en av kongressens mest radikala ledamöter. Hon sprider konspirationsteorier, fokuserar på kulturkrigsfrågor och för en hatfull retorik.

Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE)
Wikipedia (en)
The Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) is a planned United States presidential advisory commission announced by Donald Trump, the president-elect of the United States, in preparation for his second term as U.S. president. It will be led by the billionaire businessman Elon Musk and the entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy. Despite its name, DOGE is not intended to function as a federal executive department, the creation of which would require the approval of the U.S. Congress. Instead, it will serve as an advisory body aiming to streamline the U.S. federal government and reduce inefficiency. Musk has suggested that the commission could help to cut the U.S. federal budget by up to US$2 trillion through measures such as reducing waste, abolishing redundant agencies, and downsizing the federal workforce. Ramaswamy also stated that DOGE may eliminate entire federal agencies and reduce the number of federal employees by as much as 75%. Musk has also proposed consolidating the number of federal agencies from more than 400 to fewer than 100. DOGE is a backronym referencing Dogecoin, a cryptocurrency associated with Musk and which is inspired by Doge, an Internet meme.
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