(Ted S. Warren / AP)

Microsoft lägger ned VR-plattformen Altspace VR

Microsofts VR-plattform Altspace läggs ned i samband med den stora omstrukturering som företaget gör, och som innebär att man säger upp runt 10 000 anställda. Det rapporterar sajten Silicon Angle.

Altspace grundades 2013 och är ett slags plattform för samarbete, där man tar tvådimensionellt webbinnehåll till en virtuell värld. Tjänsten köptes av Microsoft 2017.

Microsoft har även sparkat hela teamet bakom det populära ramverket Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK), som tagits fram för både Microsofts egen hårdvara Hololens och Metas olika headsets.

Altspace VR
Wikipedia (en)
AltspaceVR is a social VR platform that was founded in 2013 by Eric Romo and launched its initial product in May 2015. In 2017 it was acquired by Microsoft and is now part of the Mixed Reality division (alongside notable products like HoloLens and HoloLens 2) within the Cloud and AI group. Some elements of the platform appear in Microsoft Mesh.The platform largely consists of user-generated spaces called "worlds", which can be visited by other users. Live virtual events are frequently held. In addition to these events, AltspaceVR is a social platform where individuals can gather, talk, collaborate, and be co-present in small to large groups. The platform is regularly home to a wide variety of events from VR church and LGBTQI+ meetups to large business conferences and magic shows.In January 2023 it was announced on the AltspaceVR Homepage that the service will be shutting down on March 10th, 2023.
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