(Damian Dovarganes / AP)

Minecraft har nu sålts i över 300 miljoner exemplar

Det svenskutvecklade spelet Minecraft har passerat en ny milstolpe, då det nu har sålts i över 300 miljoner exemplar. Det rapporterar The Verge, som konstaterar att det är en anmärkningsvärd fjäder i hatten, då det innebär mer än 100 miljoner fler exemplar än vad Grand Theft Auto V sålts i, som är tvåa på listan över de mest sålda spelen någonsin.

Minecraft utvecklades av svenska Mojang Studios, som senare köptes av Microsoft.

Wikipedia (en)
Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus "Notch" Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released in November 2011, with Notch stepping down and Jens "Jeb" Bergensten taking over development. Minecraft has become the best-selling video game in history, with over 300 million copies sold and nearly 140 million monthly active players as of 2023. It has been ported to several platforms. In Minecraft, players explore a blocky, procedurally generated, three-dimensional world with virtually infinite terrain. Players can discover and extract raw materials, craft tools and items, and build structures, earthworks, and machines. Depending on their chosen game mode, players can fight hostile mobs, as well as cooperate with or compete against other players in the same world. Game modes include a survival mode (in which players must acquire resources to build in the world and maintain health) and a creative mode (in which players have unlimited resources and access to flight). The game's large community also offers a wide variety of user-generated content, such as modifications, servers, skins, texture packs, and custom maps, which add new game mechanics and possibilities. Minecraft has received critical acclaim, winning several awards and being cited by some as one of the greatest video games ever created. Social media, parodies, adaptations, merchandise, and the annual Minecon conventions played prominent roles in popularizing the game. The game has also been used in educational environments to teach chemistry, computer-aided design, and computer science. In 2014, Mojang and the Minecraft intellectual property were purchased by Microsoft for US$2.5 billion. Several spin-offs have also been made, including Minecraft: Story Mode, Minecraft Earth, Minecraft Dungeons, and the most recent release, Minecraft Legends.
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