Mylan köper kol för att minska sin skattesats
Sedan 2011 har läkemedelsjätten Mylan minskat sin skattesats genom att köpa upp fem bolag i USA som producerar raffinerat kol, som används för att minska farliga utsläpp. Kolet som bolagen producerar säljs med förlust till kraftverk men ger Mylan skattelättnader, som är ett resultat av ett beslut som kongressen antog 2014 för att skapa incitament till produktion av renare kol. Det rapporterar Reuters.
Raffinerat kol
Wikipedia (en)
Refined coal is the product of the application of a coal upgrading technology that removes moisture and certain pollutants from lower-rank coals such as sub-bituminous and lignite (brown) coals and raising their calorific values. Coal refining or upgrading technologies are typically pre-combustion treatments and/or processes that alter the characteristics of a coal before it is burned. The goals of pre-combustion coal upgrading technologies are to increase efficiency and reduce emissions when coal is burned. Depending on the situation, pre-combustion technology can be used in place of or as a supplement to post-combustion technologies to control emissions from coal-fueled boilers. A primary benefit of refined coal is the capacity to reduce the net volume of carbon emissions that is currently emitted from power generators and would reduce the amount of emissions that is proposed to be managed via emerging carbon sequestration methodologies. Refined coal technologies have primarily been developed in the United States, several similar technologies have been researched, developed and tested in Victoria, Australia, including the Densified coal technology (Coldry Process) developed to alter the chemical bonds of brown coal to create a product that is cleaner, stable (not prone to spontaneous combustion), exportable and of sufficiently high calorific value to be a black coal equivalent.
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