Ny bok: Rupert Murdoch önskar ofta livet ur Trump
I författaren Michael Wolffs nya bok ”The Fall: The End of Fox News and the Murdoch Dynasty” målas en bild upp av avgående mediemogulen Rupert Murdoch som en rabiat Donald Trump-hatare.
Enligt Wolff, som blev världskänd med Trumpboken ”Fire and Fury”, avskyr Murdoch Trump till den nivån att han ”tuggar fradga”. The Guardian har kommit över ett exemplar av nya boken, och i den framgår att Murdoch flera gånger önskat livet ur Trump och att han återkommande har luftat tankar av typen ”allt skulle få sin lösning om…” eller ”hur kan han fortfarande vara vid liv”.
Wolff skriver att Murdoch successivt har surnat på Trump – och att det som började med ett ”fucking idiot” har övergått till ”en virvlande gryta av ilska och anklagelser”.
Michael Wolff (journalist)
Wikipedia (en)
Michael Wolff (born August 27, 1953) is an American journalist, as well as a columnist and contributor to USA Today, The Hollywood Reporter, and the UK edition of GQ. He has received two National Magazine Awards, a Mirror Award, and has authored seven books, including Burn Rate (1998) about his own dot-com company, and The Man Who Owns the News (2008), a biography of Rupert Murdoch. He co-founded the news aggregation website Newser and is a former editor of Adweek.
On January 5, 2018, Wolff's book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House was published, containing unflattering descriptions of behavior by U.S. President Donald Trump, chaotic interactions among the White House senior staff, and derogatory comments about the Trump family by former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon. The book quickly became a New York Times number-one bestseller and became the first of a trilogy about Trump in power, the other two books being Siege (2019) and Landslide (2021).
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