En av de gripna ukrainarna. (SBU på Telegram)

Överstar inom Zelenskyjs personskydd gripna – mord skulle vara present till Putin

Två ukrainska överstar som misstänks ha varit delaktiga i de ryska planerna på att mörda Volodymyr Zelenskyj har gripits, uppger säkerhetstjänsten SBU.

Överstarna arbetar inom polismyndigheten UDO som ansvarar för personskyddet av Ukrainas ledare.

De misstänks ha rekryterats av den ryska säkerhetstjänsten FSB och sedan fört in vapen. Planen var att de senare skulle lämna koordinater till Ryssland för att landet skulle kunna genomföra riktade anfall, enligt SBU.

Misstanken är att morden skulle bli en ”gåva” till Vladimir Putin inför dennes installationsceremoni i dag.

Wikipedia (en)
The Security Service of Ukraine (Ukrainian: Служба безпеки України, romanized: Sluzhba bezpeky Ukrainy; abbreviated as SBU or SSU) is the main internal security agency of the Ukrainian government. Its main duties include counter-intelligence activity and combating organized crime and terrorism. The Constitution of Ukraine defines the SBU as a military formation, and its staff are considered military personnel with ranks. It is subordinated directly under the authority of the president of Ukraine. The SBU also operates its own special forces unit, the Alpha Group. The SBU was created after the Declaration of Independence of Ukraine in 1991. The agency was viewed negatively by the Ukrainian public for much of its history, as it was widely regarded as corrupt and was best known for arresting and intimidating political dissidents. After the Revolution of Dignity in 2014, the SBU went through a restructuring with the transition to the new government, because of its corruption and possible infiltration by intelligence agencies of Russia. The SBU has since been involved in operations against Russia, pro-Russian separatists in Donbas and other Russian sympathizers after the start of the war in Donbas and the wider Russo-Ukrainian War.
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