Minnesstund utanför kosherbutiken Hyper Cacher i Paris efter attentatet i januari förra året. (Ian Langsdon / TT / NTB Scanpix)

Rekordmånga judar flyttar från Frankrike

Fler judar än tidigare lämnar Europa. Bara från Frankrike flyttade över 8 000 judar till Israel under 2015 uppger organisationen Jewish Agency som hjälper judar att invandra till Israel, skriver SvD.
Från Ryssland är motsvarande siffra 7 100 och för Ukraina 7 300, totalt rör det sig om runt 30 000 personer. Det ger den högsta invandringen på 15 år enligt organisationen. Några motiv som Jewish Agency nämner är ekonomiska skäl, oro för terrorangrepp och judefientliga stämningar.
Lena Posner Körösi, ordförande i Judiska centralrådet i Sverige, säger till tidningen att det inte skett någon motsvarande utvandring från Sverige under 2015.

Jewish Agency
Wikipedia (en)
The Jewish Agency for Israel (Hebrew: הסוכנות היהודית לארץ ישראל‎, HaSochnut HaYehudit L'Eretz Yisra'el) is the largest Jewish nonprofit organization in the world. Established as the Palestine Office (of the Zionist Organization) in 1908, it became the Zionist Commission, later Palestine Zionist Executive, which was designated in 1929 as the "Jewish agency" provided for in the League of Nations' Palestine Mandate and was thus again renamed as The Jewish Agency for Palestine. After the establishment of the State it received its current name. It is best known as the primary organization responsible for the immigration ("Aliyah") and absorption of Jews and their families from the Diaspora into Israel. Since 1948, the Jewish Agency for Israel has been responsible for bringing 3 million immigrants to Israel, and offers them transitional housing in "absorption centers" throughout the country. The Jewish Agency played a central role in the founding and the building of the State of Israel, including the establishment of about 1,000 towns and villages, and continues to serve as the main link between Israel and Jewish communities around the world. Its mission is to "inspire Jews throughout the world to connect with their people, heritage, and land, and empower them to build a thriving Jewish future and a strong Israel." The Jewish Agency is a non-governmental organization (NGO) and does not receive core funding from the Israeli government. The Jewish Agency is funded by The Jewish Federations of North America, Keren Hayesod, major Jewish communities and federations, the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, foundations and donors from Israel and around the world. The dozens of programs it supports or operates benefit well over a million Israelis and Jews worldwide every year. Some of The Jewish Agency's best-known programs include Masa Israel Journey, Partnership2Gether, Youth Futures, Youth Villages, and its many Aliyah and Absorption programs. In 2008, The Jewish Agency won the Israel Prize for its historical contribution to Israel and to the worldwide Jewish community.
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