Sanna Marin, 1 september. (Markku Ulander / AP)

Sanna Marin får nytt jobb på Tony Blair-institutet

Finlands tidigare statsminister Sanna Marin blir ny specialrådgivare vid Tony Blair-institutet. Det rapporterar Hufvudstadsbladet.

Samtidigt begär hon avsked från den finländska riksdagen.

Marin avgick som Finlands statsminister i juni efter att hennes parti Socialdemokraterna inte samlat tillräckligt stort mandat i riksdagsvalet.

Institutet har sin bas i London men bedriver verksamhet i 30 länder och agerar rådgivare åt regeringar och i politiska frågor.

Tony Blair Institute for Global Change
Wikipedia (en)
The Tony Blair Institute (TBI), commonly known by its trade name the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, is a non-profit organisation set up by former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair to provide advice to governments and to aid political leaders build open, inclusive and prosperous societies in an increasingly interconnected world. Bringing together different organisations, Blair set up – The Tony Blair Governance Initiative and the Tony Blair Faith Foundation – as well as his work on the Middle East peace process, establishing a new area of work: Renewing the Centre. Blair’s intention was to expand the activity of these organisations, re-orientating the mission to reflect the overlap between extremism, governance, the Middle East and the policies needed to fight populism in the West.
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