Olaf Scholz. (Kay Nietfeld / AP)

Scholz: Gasbojkott kan slunga Europa in i recession

Att helt och hållet stoppa rysk olja och gas från en dag till en annan skulle slunga Europa in i en recession. Det sa Tysklands förbundskansler Olaf Scholz i förbundsdagen under onsdagen, enligt Financial Times.

– Hundratusentals jobb riskerar att försvinna.

Scholz backas upp av BDI, Tysklands motsvarighet till Svenskt Näringsliv, som menar att ett gasembargo skulle få konsekvenser som inte ens går att beräkna.

Även andra experter, såsom ekonomer från Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, varnar för en recession om gasen och oljan stryps.

Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (BDI)
Wikipedia (en)
The Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (BDI), Federation of German Industries e. V. is the leading organization of German industry and industry-related service providers. It represents 39 industry associations and more than 100,000 companies with around 8 million employees. Membership is voluntary. A total of 15 state representations represent the interests of the economy at the regional level. Headquarters of the BDI is in the Haus der Deutschen Wirtschaft (house of the German economy) in Berlin; Between 1950 and 1999 this was in the House of German Industry in Cologne. In addition, the BDI has other offices abroad and is therefore represented internationally. President of the BDI is since January 1, 2021 Siegfried Russwurm. As an umbrella organization, the federation is responsible for the perception and promotion of all concerns of the industries combined under the auspices of the BDI. However, this does not entitle it to represent social issues. This function is reserved for the Confederation of German Employers' Associations (BDA). The BDI statute limits the circle of members to leading industrial associations and working groups (§ 4, para. 2). As a result, sole proprietors or corporate networks can not obtain membership. From a political science point of view, the BDI has been described as an interest group in the association sectors "Economy and Labor" as well as "an investor top association of industrial sector and trade associations". As an advocacy group of the industry, the leading association operates interest articulation, following the process of forming an opinion within the association. The BDI lobbies globally in the sense of industrially active enterprises and is in "all economic relevant legislative processes heard."

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