Toys R Us grundare död
Toys R Us grundare Charles Lazarus har dött 94 år gammal, rapporterar flera amerikanska medier. I förra veckan ansökte leksakskedjan om konkurs och hela verksamheten ska stängas.
Leksaksvisionären Charles Lazarus lämnade Toys R Us för 20 år sedan.
Toys R Us
Wikipedia (en)
Toys "R" Us is an American toy and juvenile-products retailer founded in 1948. Its headquarters was Wayne, New Jersey, in the New York City metropolitan area.
Founded by Charles P. Lazarus in its modern incarnation in 1957, Toys "R" Us traces its origins to Lazarus's children's furniture store, which he started in 1948. He added toys to his offering, and eventually shifted his focus. The company has been in the toy business for more than 65 years and operates around 800 stores in the United States and around 800 outside the US, although these numbers are steadily decreasing with time.
Toys "R" Us expanded as a chain, becoming predominant in its niche field of toy retail. Represented by cartoon mascot Geoffrey the Giraffe from 1969, Toys "R" Us eventually branched out into launching the stores Babies "R" Us and the now-defunct Kids "R" Us.
The company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the U.S. on September 18, 2017, and has also filed for bankruptcy protection in Canada (see Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act). It had stated that its stores will continue to operate, but nevertheless announced the liquidation and closure of 382 locations, at least half of these Babies "R" Us locations. Liquidation sale events are likely expected to occur in additional Toys "R" Us stores.
On March 14, 2018, it was revealed that all Toys "R" Us stores in the United Kingdom would close. The next day, it was announced that Toys "R" Us is officially going out of business and selling all 800 of its U.S. stores. In addition, all Toys "R" Us stores worldwide would be sold off.
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