Ett fartyg åker genom sundet till Istanbul/Storbritannien vill skänka två minröjningsfartyg av Sandown-klass till Ukraina. (TT/Wikimedia)

Turkiet blockerar minröjare till Ukraina: ”Olyckligt”

Turkiets beslut att blockera två brittiska minröjningsfartyg från att skänkas till Ukraina är ”olyckligt”. Det säger James Stavridis, pensionerad amerikansk amiral som tidigare var Natos högsta befälhavare i Europa, till Politico.

Tidigare i veckan stoppades fartygen från att segla från Medelhavet till Svarta havet, via den vattenförbindelse som går genom Turkiet. Beslutet fattades med hänvisning till Montreuxkonventionen från 1936.

Enligt konventionen får fartyg från tredje land passera genom sunden vid krigstid, men det står också skrivet att Turkiet har sista ordet. Och landet menar att beslutet fattas för att minimera risken att dras in i kriget.

James Stavridis är kritisk.

– Jag tycker att Ankara anstränger sig för mycket för att upprätthålla en balans och borde i stället fullt ut engagera sig i sin roll som Nato-medlem.

Wikipedia (en)
The (Montreux) Convention regarding the Regime of the Straits, often known simply as the Montreux Convention, is an international agreement governing the Bosporus and Dardanelles Straits in Turkey. Signed on 20 July 1936 at the Montreux Palace in Switzerland, it went into effect on 9 November 1936, addressing the long running Straits Question over who should control the strategically vital link between the Black and Mediterranean seas.The Montreux Convention regulates maritime traffic through the Turkish Straits. It guarantees "complete freedom" of passage for all civilian vessels in times of peace. In peacetime, military vessels are limited in number, tonnage and weaponry, with specific provisions governing their mode of entry and duration of stay. If they want to pass through the Strait, warships must provide advance notification to the Turkish authorities, which, in turn, must inform the parties to the convention. In wartime, if Turkey is not involved in the conflict, warships of the nations at war may not pass through the Straits, except when returning to their base. When Turkey is at war, or feels threatened by a war, it may take any decision about the passage of warships as it sees fit. The USA is not a signatory to the Convention.While it was designed for a particular geopolitical context, and remains unchanged since its adoption, the Montreux Convention has endured as a "solid example of a rules-based international order", since most of its terms are still followed.

Tidigare (2 januari)

Sunden genom Turkiet
Wikipedia (en)
The Turkish Straits (Turkish: Türk Boğazları) are two internationally significant waterways in northwestern Turkey. The Straits create a series of international passages that connect the Aegean and Mediterranean seas to the Black Sea. They consist of the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus. The straits are on opposite ends of the Sea of Marmara. The straits and the Sea of Marmara are part of the sovereign sea territory of Turkey and subject to the regime of internal waters. Located in the western part of the landmass of Eurasia, the Straits are conventionally considered the boundary between the continents of Europe and Asia, as well as the dividing line between European Turkey and Asian Turkey. Owing to their strategic importance in international commerce, politics, and warfare, the Straits have played a significant role in European and world history. Since 1936, they have been governed in accordance with the Montreux Convention.

Här sätter Turkiet stopp

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