En sjö i Zimbabwe i oktober som har torkat ut till följd av torkan. (Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi / TT NYHETSBYRÅN)

”Tyst katastrof” har kastat in 45 miljoner i hungersnöd

Rekordhöga 45 miljoner människor står inför en hungersnöd i södra Afrika till följd av torka, översvämningar och ett ekonomiskt kaos i länderna. FN kallar problemet för en ”tyst katastrof”, enligt Reuters.

The Guardian har besökt Lesotho, ett litet land som ligger insprängt i Sydafrika, där tiotusentals människor riskerar att bli utan mat. Torkan har slagit ut grödor och odlingar.

– Jag vet inte hur jag och mina barnbarn ska överleva, säger 80-årige Tšepo Molapo.

Prostitution i Angola
Wikipedia (en)
Prostitution in Angola is illegal and prevalent since the 1990s. Prostitution increased further at the end of the civil war in 2001. Prohibition is not consistently enforced. Many women engage in prostitution due to poverty. It was estimated in 2013 that there were about 33,00 sex workers in the country. Many Namibian women enter the country illegally, often via the border municipality of Curoca, and travel to towns such as Ondjiva, Lubango and Luanda to work as prostitutes.Prostitution is widespread in the oil-rich Cabinda Province, where many American and other foreign nationals work. Women from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of the Congo cross the porous border to earn money in the enclave as prostitutes. Some of the police in the area are corrupt and deport the women if they do not pay the bribes required. The most famous bar/brothel in the enclave is Berlita in Cabinda city's Comandante Jika neighbourhood. It is named after its late owner, a sex worker. Prostitution is also common in the diamond mining areas.The Ministry of Family and Women Promotion (MINFAMU) maintains a women's shelter in the capital, Luanda, that is open to former prostitutes.Human trafficking from China is a major problem, on which the Angolan government is working with the Chinese Police. Child prostitution is also a problem in the country.
World Vision International
Wikipedia (sv)
World Vision International är en kristen välgörenhetsorganisation, som grundades 1950 i USA och arbetar för att förbättra läget i utsatta regioner i världen. Idag är organisationen en av de största välgörenhetsorganisationerna i världen och finns i nästan 100 olika länder. Av affärstidningen Forbes listas de som den tionde största välgörenhetsorganisationen i USA (2014).
Wikipedia (en)
CARE (Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere, formerly Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe) is a major international humanitarian agency delivering emergency relief and long-term international development projects. Founded in 1945, CARE is nonsectarian, impartial, and non-governmental. It is one of the largest and oldest humanitarian aid organizations focused on fighting global poverty. In 2016, CARE reported working in 94 countries, supporting 962 poverty-fighting projects and humanitarian aid projects, and reaching over 80 million people and 256 million people indirectly.CARE's programmes in the developing world address a broad range of topics including emergency response, food security, water and sanitation, economic development, climate change, agriculture, education, and health. CARE also advocates at the local, national, and international levels for policy change and the rights of poor people. Within each of these areas, CARE focuses on empowering and meeting the needs of women and girls and promoting gender equality.CARE International is a confederation of fourteen CARE National Members, each of which is registered as an autonomous non-profit non-governmental organization in the country and four affiliate members.


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