Natalia Veselnitskaja (YURY MARTYANOV / Kommersant Photo)

Uppgift: Rysk jurist ville svartmåla investerare

Den ryska juristen Natalia Veselnitskaja erbjöd information om hedgefondchefen William Browder och investmentbolaget Ziff Brothers Investments när hon träffade Donald Trump Jr förra året. Det rapporterar Bloomberg med hänvisning till en källa.

En utredning mot investerarna ska ha pågått i Ryssland och Veselnitskaja menade att anklagelser om skattefusk även skulle vara negativt för Demokraterna eftersom Browder och minst en person inom Ziff-familjen hade donerat pengar till biståndsorganisationen Clinton Global Initiative.

Advokaten Sergej Magnitskij, som dog i ett fängelse i Moskva efter att han avslöjat vad han menade var skattefusk i Ryssland, arbetade för Browder. Browder har tidigare sagt att utredningen i Ryssland mot honom var politiskt motiverad. Varken han eller Ziff-familjen har åtalats för något brott.

Sergej Magnitskij
Wikipedia (en)
Sergei Leonidovich Magnitsky (Russian: Серге́й Леони́дович Магни́тский; 8 April 1972 – 16 November 2009) was a Russian lawyer and auditor whose arrest and subsequent death in custody generated international media attention and triggered both official and unofficial inquiries into allegations of fraud, theft and human rights violations. Magnitsky had alleged there had been a large-scale theft from the Russian state sanctioned and carried out by Russian officials. He was arrested and eventually died in prison seven days before the expiration of the one-year term during which he could be legally held without trial. In total, Magnitsky served 358 days in Moscow's Butyrka prison. He developed gall stones, pancreatitis and a blocked gall bladder and received inadequate medical care. A human rights council set up by the Kremlin found that he was physically assaulted shortly before his death. His case has become an international cause célèbre and led to the adoption of the Magnitsky bill by the U.S. government at the end of 2012 by which those Russian officials believed to be involved in the auditor’s death were barred from entering the United States or using its banking system. In response, Russia blocked hundreds of foreign adoptions. In early January 2013, the Financial Times editorialised that "the Magnitsky case is egregious, well documented and encapsulates the darker side of Putinism" and endorsed the idea of imposing similar sanctions against the implicated Russian officials by the EU countries. In 2012, the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, a Sarajevo-based network of investigative centers, successfully traced some of the missing funds to a company owned by Denis Katsyv, the son of Petr Katsyv, the wealthy and powerful former minister of transportation in the Moscow region. The money had gone into a real estate firm that was buying luxury Wall Street apartments. The US Department of Justice filed a seizure order to recover the apartments in Sept. 2013. In 2013, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit news organization, obtained records of companies and trusts created by two offshore companies which included information on at least 23 companies linked to an alleged $230 million tax fraud in Russia, a case that was being investigated by Sergei Magnitsky. The ICIJ investigation also revealed that the husband of one of the Russian tax officials deposited millions in a Swiss bank account set up by one of the offshore companies.
William Browder
Wikipedia (en)
See also William Browder (mathematician) William Felix Browder (born 23 April 1964) is the Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of the investment fund Hermitage Capital Management and noted critic of Vladimir Putin.

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