Väderkanal satsar på mixed reality-presentationer
Den amerikanska tv-kanalen The Weather Channel inleder nu sändningar med så kallat mixed reality-innehåll, något som ska ge tittarna en mer realistisk bild av olika väderfenomen. Det rapporterar Engadget.
Teknologin som används i sändningarna kommer från spelutvecklaren Epic Games spelmotor Unreal Engine, som används i många populära datorspel.
The Weather Channel
Wikipedia (en)
The Weather Channel is an American basic cable and satellite television channel, owned by Byron Allen's Entertainment Studios. Its headquarters are located in Atlanta, Georgia.
Launched on May 2, 1982, the channel broadcasts weather forecasts and weather-related news and analysis, along with documentaries and entertainment programming related to weather. A sister network, Weatherscan, is a digital cable and satellite service that offers 24-hour automated local forecasts and radar imagery.
The Weather Channel's former parent company, The Weather Company (part of IBM since 2016), also provides forecasts for terrestrial and satellite radio stations, newspapers, mobile apps and websites, including an extensive online presence at weather.com. The Weather Channel continues to license its brand assets and weather data from IBM.
As of January 2016, The Weather Channel is received by 88 million households in America.
Sometime during the week of June 10, 2018, Sling TV dropped The Weather Channel from their line up per the cordcuttersnews web site.
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