Asteroid passerar mellan jorden och månen i helgen
En asteroid med en diameter på mellan 40 och 90 meter väntas passera tätt förbi jorden på lördagen, rapporterar BBC.
– Det är ingen risk att den krockar med jorden, men att den kommer så nära ger goda möjligheter till observationer, säger Europeiska rymdorganisationens planetförsvarschef Richard Moissl enligt BBC.
Asteroiden som har fått namnet 2023 DZ2 kommer att kunna ses med kikare och små teleskop från jorden. Enligt Nasa kommer så stora asteroider så nära jorden bara någon gång per decennium, skriver AP.

Frågor och svar från NASA om asteroider (17 mars)
2023 DZ2
Wikipedia (en)
2023 DZ2 is an asteroid roughly 70 meters in diameter, classified as a near-Earth object of the Apollo group, and originally a Virtual Impactor (VI). It was first observed on 27 February 2023, when it was 0.11 AU (16 million km) from Earth, with the Isaac Newton Telescope by Dr. Ovidiu Vaduvescu, Freya Barwell, and Kiran Jhass (ING and University of Sheffield student support astronomers) within the EURONEAR project. It will pass 174,641 ± 30 km (108,517 ± 19 mi) of Earth on March 25, 2023. This is a little less than half the distance to the Moon. This will be the largest asteroid to approach this close since 2019 OK. On March 21, 2023 with a 66-day observation arc, it was removed from the Sentry Risk Table.
The 2023 approach will be visible to amateur astronomers with modest telescopes and telescopes equipped with an image sensor. From 20–24 March 2023 it will be visible in the constellation of Cancer. At about 17:20 UT on the 25th the asteroid will brighten to about apparent magnitude 10 while over Southeast Asia, and may be visible in 10×50 binoculars. But for many locations the asteroid will not get brighter than magnitude 12 before setting and will be out of the reach of binoculars.
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